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In 2022, will Zhejiang Radio and TV China Blue Anchor College register online or offline?

In 2022, will Zhejiang Radio and TV China Blue Anchor College register online or offline?

How to register for China Blue Anchor Academy?
WeChat: czbw88
Tel: 15157143236

Some students want to register offline, but their main purpose is to worry about being cheated. Take it easy to pay for offline registration. Offline registration is actually OK, but it is recommended that we come to visit and register when we still have a quota. We only recruit 50 students for each period, which will basically be full in two to three days. If there is no quota, we can't learn in the near future, Wasn't it a waste of time.

So students, if you are sure that you want to sign up offline, try to come and visit in advance.

Original article, written by Wu, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
Where can I apply for the live delivery course of China Blue Anchor College in 2022?
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