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Is there an operation course for the live delivery training class of China Blue Anchor Academy? When does China Blue Anchor College open?

Is there an operation course for the live delivery training class of China Blue Anchor Academy?

How to register for China Blue Anchor Academy?
WeChat: czbw88
Tel.: 15157143236 Teacher Wu

Recently, some of the students came to inquire about the live delivery of goods. If they want to learn about the operation part, they came to inquire about the courses of China Blue. Our courses of China Blue Anchor Academy are quite comprehensive. Our contents are mainly divided into three parts: anchor skills training, operation training, field control training, and of course, live delivery skills training is the main part. After all, there are no skills, The live broadcast room can't keep people. Everything is empty talk.

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I'm a novice. Can Xiaobai learn to bring goods live? How to register for China Blue Anchor Academy?
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