How do entrepreneurs build a successful entrepreneurial team

First, organizational structure. Process: from a small group with common ideas to a team with similar temper, and finally to an organization. The characteristic of an organization is to work together in an organized way and not be too casual.
Second, establish a connection. The human body is an organic organization with a circulatory system, nervous system and digestive system, but the enterprise does not, so it needs to deliberately create such an organizational system or ecosystem.
Third, system construction. Let everyone like you love this cause and be willing to make all his efforts for it. At this time, you need to explore the topic of motivation. Everyone has a preference. Even if they have the same personality, they will have different preferences and different incentives.
Fourth, talent development. This is a very troublesome problem for start-ups. On the one hand, the company is small and not strong enough to attract good talents. On the other hand, the management is not so formal, and many of the participants have no sense of security. However, there are indeed many dark horses rising. Although the company is small, it can still attract excellent people to join.
Fifth, cultural construction. In the early stage, entrepreneurs may have an ignorant desire to do something and embarked on the path of entrepreneurship. When they reached a certain stage, they must have a sense of mission. In the process of providing services to customers, they found their own social value, which is particularly inspiring.

Original article, written by: Wu Xiangchuang, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
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