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Why does Mr. Wu of China Blue Anchor College suggest you do live delivery now?

[Give you a reason to seriously go to the show]
There are only two types of people who are not serious about broadcasting
1. People who have no ability and no conditions to play
2. People who suspect that investment is not proportional to return

It's 2021
The anchor will be more difficult than today; the production input ratio will be smaller
Now we can really catch up
If you are always willing to take the first step
Tomorrow's ‭‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‭‮‮‮‮‭‮‮‮‮‮‮‮‮
You can't afford to waste your time
China Blue Sign up czbw88

Original article, written by Wu, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
The 27th issue of China Blue Anchor College ended successfully
« Previous 05-24
The 22 students of China Blue Anchor Academy have received the new media anchor qualification certificate continuously
Next » 05-27


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