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Mango We Media ‖ The dividend of We Media has not gone away, and the dividend of the new era has begun!

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The Internet has brought great changes to our lives since its birth, and this change has been continuing. Under the influence of the Internet, we are now in an era of business migration from offline to online. The so-called We Media is just a microcosm of this great commercial migration.

In essence, we media is in the business of traffic, but for some we media, we media content is both traffic and product. The reason why we media can make money is that we media can obtain customers online. We media is equivalent to doing what sales should do before. Knowledge payment is a new product form born in the context of business migration from offline to online.

   Reasons for business migration

Why did the Internet come into being for so long? It was only in recent years that it promoted the migration of business from offline to online. This is mainly due to the popularity of mobile Internet, e-commerce consumption concepts and the establishment of online payment systems.

In the early days of the Internet, although people could communicate through the network, smart phones were not popular at that time, and group collaboration was not particularly convenient. In addition, people did not have the concept of online consumption, nor did they have a convenient online payment system. The infrastructure of online commerce is not particularly perfect. So the Internet is only an auxiliary tool for offline business.

Today, the emergence of mobile Internet and high-speed and low-cost traffic make real-time interconnection possible. The establishment of online payment system with Alipay and WeChat as the core makes online transactions more convenient. E-commerce makes the concept of online consumption deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The conditions for the establishment of online business are quite mature, so what we see now is that a person with a computer can start his own company. It is commonly known as individual entrepreneurship.

   Impact of business migration

The rise of online business has brought some new changes to business.

The first is the change of the form of customer acquisition. In the past, our way of acquiring customers was to occupy the offline position of high passenger flow. Now the way we get customers is to produce content that can achieve high transmission and high viscosity.

The second is the change of product form. Previously, products were more focused on physical products, but now products are more focused on virtual products with zero marginal cost. Such as courses, online services, etc. Kevin Kelly once mentioned in his two books Long Tail Theory and Free that the Internet has led to more and more digital products, and the marginal cost of products has gradually decreased. This zero marginal cost product, together with the Internet traffic, makes it possible to become rich in a short time and earn income after sleep.

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Finally, the rise of online commerce has also had a great impact on our way of life. Previously, our work was limited by time and place, and we could only work in a fixed place. Now, for some jobs, especially online jobs, they have broken away from geographical restrictions. As long as there is a network, they can work anytime and anywhere. This way of working has bred a large number of freelancers, and also made sidelines enter everyone's vision. As long as there are mobile phones and the Internet, you can earn income. So that all the elders in the countryside started to work as We Media.

In the foreseeable future, the impact of this business migration will continue for many years. This kind of influence is the best opportunity for each of us to realize personal change. Based on this, engaging in We Media may be the most correct choice!

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Original article by Jiang Nanhao, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
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