How can WeChat articles be reproduced legally? How to quickly reprint other people's public account articles?

As New media operation In addition to producing original articles, they occasionally reprint some good articles written by others or It is a popular article that can attract money

When it comes to the reprinting of articles, it involves the reprinting infringement that the partners are very concerned about What article can be reprinted?
How to reprint articles without violating the rules of the public platform? How to reprint articles quickly?

First, let's define the essence of reprinted articles? I thought it was Copy other people's high-quality articles to your own public account without infringement

How to reprint articles without infringement

The public platform itself has original hit protection. If the original article is reproduced at will, the user will automatically jump to the original link after opening the push. Therefore, if you want to copy someone else's original article and post it on your own public account, you must obtain the consent of the original author.

WeChat official account was upgraded in June 2018 Reprinted by the public Function. When pushing articles, the author chooses to set whether to open the reprint permission.

This update explains that as long as the author Open reprint permission is set, so that others can reprint with one key without going to the background to chat privately about the author, waiting for reply, waiting for the white list.

For articles that have been published, we can directly copy them to our own public account without asking again, but what if the author does not set permission to reprint when pushing the article?

Of course, contact the original author's white list!

Hello, I am XX, the person in charge of the WeChat official account ××× (ID: ×××). Seeing your article "XX", I am very inspired, and hope to be authorized to reprint it. The main content of the article will not be modified, and the format will be slightly adjusted. I hope we can get the white list authorization.

When applying for white list authorization, you must clearly indicate your intention and leave your public account information.

It's better to add the original author's WeChat and communicate about authorization matters. If you can't find the contact information, leave a message on the public account background. Generally, the original author will reply to you after agreeing.

Can the article be reproduced without original logo

Not every article we want to reprint has an original logo.

If there is no article with original logo, even if it is reproduced, it will not hit the WeChat original protection rules, and can be directly copied to its own public account push.

In the face of articles without original logo, do we need to ask the original author whether they can be reproduced?

Of course, you need to consult. No matter whether there is an original logo or not, as long as you use someone else's article, you should obtain their consent before using it.

How to reprint articles quickly

With articles that can be reprinted, how can you quickly copy the articles to your public account? There are two methods:

1) Public platform reprint button

Select the reprint button at the place where you add image and text materials to enter the main page of reprinted articles.

On the main page of reprinted articles, you can enter the address of the article we want to reprint, select the article, and click OK to copy it.

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Although the operation of reprinting is very convenient, we will also make some changes in the content and format on the basis of reprinting other people's articles. The editing function of the public account is limited, and a WeChat editor that is convenient for reformatting is needed at this time.

Since the article has been imported into the public account editing page, you can edit the layout in the background of the public account Plug in Editor It is undoubtedly the best choice.

Recommended here A companion assistant After the article is reproduced on the public account, you can directly change the layout style.

If you want to make a big change, you can clear the original layout with one click, and then select the style material you want.

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2) One click import of WeChat editor

In addition to selecting the public account reprint button, the operator can also choose to use the article import function of Onecompanion Editor.

As long as high-quality articles can be reprinted, you can copy the whole article intact by pasting the link directly at the editor's one click import.

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Good operation tools can help you complete your work better and faster.

Official website of Yicompanion Editor: One companion editor

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This article is published after authorization, and its views do not represent a position
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  1. Muzi Lv.1 say:
    2020-08-14 09:50      iPhone /    Google Chrome

    thank you

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