How much is the agency fee for Wahaha Qingnai project? How to become an agent of Wahaha Qingnai?

Qingnai's brand operation mode is obviously different from the traditional mode. The birth path of traditional consumer products is a top-down chain operation, while Qingnai adopts a new operation mode of "consumers decide products" at the Grand Health Raceway. It gives priority to market data mining to grasp consumer demand, and hands consumer demand to Wahaha Food Research Institute for product development and production.

In terms of brand marketing, Wahaha Food Research Institute and retail channels empower the "Qingnai" brand. Yu Yibing, founder of Qingnai brand, said that "Qingnai" will use the basic mode of "four in one" in the future to integrate community marketing, offline retail, physical stores and all media marketing, and cover the marketing market through all channels.

Wahaha Qingnai directly granted Grounding Gas Company "the right to develop a blank market in China" and granted a series of preferential policies. In the process of laying out the healthy and beneficial big health strategy, Earthgas will give full play to its advantages as a city partner across the country, quickly realize the big health organizational structure of thousands of cities and thousands of stores, and deeply implant three series products of Wahaha • Qingnai's "light food, light drink, light tonic" and "weight management, skin management, sleep management, intestinal tract management" in its stores And other four major health themes.

It is believed that in the near future, the cooperation between Wahaha Qingnai and Kangli will spread all over the country. Wahaha Qingnai will become a benchmark product in China's big health industry and an innovative and professional brand for healthy life

To join Wahaha Qingnai as an agent, you can call the hotline: 15157143236 (Manager Wu) WeChat number

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