In the era of We Media, how can individuals create personal brand IP from 0?

Why build a personal brand?

There is no doubt that the future is an era of self commerce (self marketing+self brand). Everyone is a product, and everyone should consider himself as the best product in his life. Personal IP is the best moat. Once created, it will create barriers, which is difficult for others to imitate, and as long as it is constantly replaced, the more future, the greater the value.

When you have a personal IP, it is like a business card, a credit card handed to strangers. Whether it's promotion and salary increase in the enterprise or marketing promotion, personal IP will help you increase the value and make it easier for employers or customers to remember you.

Not only that, personal IP accumulation to a certain extent can also become an important way to realize influence. On the one hand, it can increase income, on the other hand, it can also make personal planning targeted and executable, and constantly drive themselves to a deeper field and a larger stage.

1. Accurate positioning.

To create a strong personal IP, you first need to position yourself, that is, attach a good label. The most difficult point here should be to define your own position, find out the subdivisions, and then develop; After having a clear goal, with the knowledge framework, the next difficult thing is to do traffic.

For example, the online celebrity account "Zhu Xiaohan" on Diaoyin has more than 30 million fans and has received hundreds of millions of praises. Her positioning is to start from the family short drama as a sub field and follow the family line. Create family sitcoms and create a positive, humorous and progressive family atmosphere. The main role is a family of three people. In terms of staffing, it is carefully created. Zhu Xiaohan, the main character, is a kind and loving single dog. The secondary character is her father, who is a middle-aged man who works hard, has a strict wife, and is very loving.

2. Sort out your own knowledge system

Building personal brand from 0 to 1 focuses on building your own knowledge framework, filling your own knowledge framework through input channels, and presenting yourself through output channels, ultimately generating high added value, obtaining more traffic, and realizing knowledge once you have traffic. How can we build a knowledge system?

Personal brand IP represents your credibility. With personal IP, you will gain more trust and support!

Personal brand IP represents your sales force. With personal IP, you will get more income and promotion!

Personal brand IP represents your influence. With personal IP, you will gain more resources and energy!

Use the lever of personal brand IP well to find the fulcrum of long-term value from yourself and pry your brilliant life

I am Wu, focusing on personal brand IP building, whole network marketing, learning and communication, and adding prestige: dage237

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