How to create a profitable account to break the dilemma of "dead wages", the Little Red Book's Pink Guide?

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Today's article is full of dry goods. It is very suitable for those who want to earn advertising fees by playing with small red books.

Ordinary office workers and college students can use small red books to earn extra money.

E-commerce or physical shopkeepers can use small red books for promotion and drainage to increase sales.

After reading this article, you will gain the following:

1. Know how to judge whether a platform can become a money making tool.

2. Understand the principle of making money by operating Little Red Book.

3. Understand the factors that affect the weight of Xiaohongshu account.

4. Know how to make money by operating small red books.

5. Precautions for operating small red books.

Don't talk much nonsense, just talk!

1. How to judge whether a platform can become your money making tool?

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I explained this problem before.

You only need to see whether it has these two attributes:

a. Whether the platform has traffic, the greater the traffic, the better.

b. Whether the platform has the function of publishing content.

If these two attributes are available, even if it does not have an official creator profit tool, it can make money for you.


a. Where there is flow, there is market, where there is market, there is money.

There are three ways to realize the flow: advertising, products and services. Whether for yourself or others, you can make money as long as you have traffic.

b. Only by publishing content can you get the attention of precise fans. The format of published content can be text, short video, pictures, and audio.

If you want to have the attention of precision fans, you need to publish content. If you want to make more money and more easily, your precision fans must make more efforts in quantity and quality under the real premise.

2. Can the Little Red Book become your money making tool? What is the profit idea?

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According to the above summary, we can judge whether the Little Red Book can become your money making tool.

First of all, Little Red Book is a sharing platform for young lifestyle. There are many young people playing Little Red Book, and the traffic is relatively large. The traffic attribute has.

Secondly, Little Red Book can publish pictures, pictures and short videos. The content sharing function is available.

Since the Little Red Book can become a tool for making money, how can we make money from it? What is the profit idea?

As I explained just now, there are three channels for profit realization: selling products, advertising and services. The specific choice depends on the rules of the platform.

On the Little Red Book, you can't add any contact information in the published content except for the email address where you can add your personal profile. This is to discourage creators from directing traffic to other platforms.

In this way, if you want to use small red books to sell products or services, drainage is a problem. If you leave your contact information in the comments, it is easy to be reported and blocked, and it will not pay off.

Therefore, the best way for Little Red Book to make money can be realized through advertising. That is to say, only propaganda, not diversion.

The general approach is: you need to do a good job of personal positioning, and then learn how to create content to support your account, and constantly improve the number of fans and the weight of your account. In this way, businesses related to your field will take the initiative to contact you by private mail and pay you to advertise.

There are thousands of creators who play Little Red Book every month, tens of thousands or even more.

Working part-time after work, every income is icing on the cake.

3. What factors affect the weight of Xiaohongshu account?

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The influencing factors of the account weight of the content sharing platform must revolve around the content sharing behavior.

The first is the number of times of sharing (the activity of sharing), and the second is the quality of sharing (content quality, reading, likes, comments, and topics).

In addition to these factors, the account rating will also have some impact on the weight.

The newly registered account has the lowest level, which is called "Potato North Nose". Just listening to the name can tell how sad it is.

Here, I will send you a small red book account level upgrade information. You are welcome, just collect the following figure!

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Note: The notes in Little Red Book are very, very short, so don't be intimidated by hundreds of requests!

4. How to make money from small red books?

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If you want to make money by sharing on the Little Red Book, you must first open the permission of "brand partner".

Xiaohongshu's "brand partner" does not have high permission requirements. Generally, it can be opened after applying to become a creator.

The official requirements are as follows:

Complete real name authentication

Number of fans ≥ 5000

Number of original and compliant notes with a natural reading of more than 2000 in the past six months ≥ 10

If you meet this requirement, you can apply to become a creator. At that time, your account will have the creator center, where you can see the data analysis and other functions of your notes published each time, and also can open the permission of "brand partner".

The method of opening is:

In the Little Red Book app, find [Me], click Settings, select Account and Security, open Personal Authentication, select Creator Authentication, and apply.

Seeing this, there must be some friends who think: "It's so difficult, I can't do it!"

Well, I give up on this kind of person who has no ambition and execution at all.

If you are willing to work hard, keep looking!

To be honest, this condition is not high at all. It will be very smooth to use skills.

What we need to remind you is that content entrepreneurship can be done as soon as possible.

Because the earlier you write, the more your works will accumulate, the faster you will grow, the higher the weight of the corresponding account, and the better your opportunities and initiative will be.

Just like when Wukong Q&A was launched on the front page, many people could earn tens of thousands of yuan every month when they launched revenue and insisted on answering questions.

Now if you take it easy, it will be much harder than before.

Remember: if you can make it early, never delay!

Step 2: Get familiar with the sharing rules and recommendation mechanism of Little Red Book

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Don't write blindly, but first understand the sharing rules and push mechanism of the platform.

Small red books can publish pictures, texts and short videos.

The combination of pictures and words is suitable for most people.

Different from other We Media platforms, the image and text of Little Red Book are displayed separately.

The top is the unified display picture, and the bottom is the text.

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In the picture area, if there are multiple pictures, the user can slide the pictures to view them.

In the text area, pictures cannot be added, only text and some emoticons can be added.

No contact information can be added to any notes.

In the introduction column of the personal homepage, you can only add your email or account ID.

The content push mechanism of Little Red Book is in the form of machine distribution. When you publish content, the platform will automatically identify keywords and tags, and then accurately match them to users interested in them.

This not only improves the user experience, but also helps content creators share most of the promotion pressure.

Step 3: Determine the initial field of writing sharing

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I explained before that in content entrepreneurship, three basic principles should be respected, namely:

Position Vertical

Original content

Stable update

Vertical positioning means that you should focus on sharing content in one field rather than cross fields.

For example, if you like to eat and cook, you can choose the food field and send pictures and text notes of food production to Xiaohongshu and other platforms.

Then there will be businesses related to the food industry actively looking for you to advertise, such as cooking utensils, snacks and so on.

It can not only get the goods for free, but also earn advertising fees. Think about Doumei.

The initial choice of fields should not only focus on the so-called "money scene", but also on the ability of individuals. The most important thing is to take a suitable path.

Many people will think that the historical field is too small to make money.

However, some people just write history story columns. They sell tens of thousands of dollars in a few months and make hundreds of thousands!

In the platform, there are money prospects in every field. The key is to find something that is not far from your current ability level, and it is not something you particularly dislike.

There is a little friend who hopes to develop herself in book review.

However, after I passed the test, I found that she seldom read books and has little interest in reading. She just thinks she is suitable for writing book reviews.

This is a fantasy. It is a waste of time to take a road that is not suitable for you.

Step 4: Update 1-2 pictures and texts every day

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In the little red book, it's better not to talk at length. We can take a short and pithy route.

Because its text and picture areas are separate, there is no picture to help buffer. When reading, if the reader has too many words, it will be easy to get tired. Finally, the "mechanical" collection and exit will rarely have the patience to finish reading.

The length is short, so there is less pressure for us to update. We can easily update one article every day or two days.

Don't rush to piece together the number of published articles. A high-quality picture and text note is more useful than a hundred scribbled articles!

For those who have started writing on other platforms, they can completely divide their original works into multiple parts and publish them on the Little Red Book.

Remember, it was written by you, not by others.

When people find plagiarism, they report it directly. After several times, they are banned. It really pays off.

Moreover, all platforms now have a "de duplication" mechanism, and the content with high repetition rate is rarely recommended.

Step 5: Pay attention to typesetting and make up your articles

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This is an age of looking at faces. People get along with each other like this. When people read, they are also so "superficial".

Typography is to make up your articles. Then your article is not very good, but with superb typesetting technology, even a low article will become popular.

People just like the "shiny surface of donkey dung eggs"!

At the very least, you should write a good draft and do the following three things when the Little Red Book is published:

In the text area, we should make full use of emoticons. It is better to partition the content

The text capacity of each paragraph should not be too large, up to 3 lines

The cover map must be clear, and the headline on PS must be eye-catching

Step 6: Pay attention to the publishing time. You can choose the golden file!

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The TV station will divide the schedule according to the time, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m., which is called the prime time. This is mainly because most people are idle and will watch TV to kill time, so the audience rating is higher.

The same is true for content push.

According to the daily work and rest of an adult, we can divide the daily popular reading period into four parts:

Commuting time: 7:00 - 8:30

Lunch break: 11:30 - 13:00

Dinner break: 19:00 - 21:00

Late night stay up time: 21:23

When publishing an article, you can try to choose the time period above.

Step 7: Reply to readers' messages more often and leave no contact information!

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The interaction rate is an important factor for the platform to consider whether to increase recommendation. Therefore, do not pretend to be cold. If someone gives you a comment, respond positively.

However, it is better not to pretend to be smart, ask and answer questions, and reply to your contact information. This is also true for personal messages.

Be careful of being reported and blocked.

In addition, there is no need for diversion. The revenue from just being a platform fan to earn advertising fees has also been considerable.

5. Precautions for Operation of Little Red Book

a. The title is not good, the tag and @ make up!

In the content platform, titles are very important for distributing recommendations. When Xiaohongshu publishes notes, in addition to adding titles, it also has a function similar to that of WeChat headlines and dithering. That is, at the end of the article, you can also add keyword tags, @ Xiaohongshu's official account, etc.

These two are also conducive to improving the exposure of content.

This topic tag should not only be related to your content topic, but also highlight your content topic.

@For official accounts, you should also choose those related to your field. Your notes are about clothing. You should @ wear potatoes.

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In other words, do you have any money making inspiration when you see the words "add a place"?

If not, you really need to practice hard.

I have summarized for you before that if the content published has the function of "Add Place", it means you can specialize in local We Media and earn promotion fees from local merchants!

This promotion fee will be quite high! It's like dithering. Just say it again!

b. Pay more attention to hot topics related to your own field!

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Little Red Book itself will have hot search topics. You can pay more attention to these topics and see which one related to your own field can be "rubbed".

Station hot search can also be done.

For hot search outside the station, it is better to reflect the keywords in the title.

c. Hold back your heart that always wants to promote!

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Little Red Book is very disgusted with the drainage behavior (leaving contact information).

Different platforms have different ways of making money. If people don't let you leave your contact information to lead us, we won't stay. We can only raise a number to become a big V and earn advertising fees.

There is no need to exploit all kinds of loopholes, otherwise it is easy to seal the number. This is totally unnecessary.

You can register a QQ mailbox and put it on your personal homepage.

You should know the components of QQ mailbox. The first part is the QQ number. If you write your QQ mailbox, people will know your QQ number. If you want to add you, they will add you. If you want to send an email, they will also send an email to you.

You can also set up an automatic reply to your QQ mailbox, and use the information benefits to channel it to the public account, WeChat or other platforms.

Many college students earn twenty or thirty thousand yuan a month by means of small red books!

Push harder and let yourself be one of them!

I hope Uncle Strange's sharing today can enlighten you. Welcome to comment and share. I heard that the ability and income of commenting on this article and forwarding it are soaring!

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