Recently, I always hear about the joining of the V mirror. Why? Who knows?

A smart glasses for watching cartoons to maintain eyesight, it only takes 15 minutes to improve the naked eye eyesight, which is time-saving, efficient and easy to adhere to. Take good care of children's eyes in their favorite way, so that they can have a bright future

Franchise hotline: 13175813930 (Manager Wu)

Cooperative WeChat: dage237

WeChat official account: Jiangnan Wu

With the continuous development of modern society, more and more children have vision problems, and the age level is also declining year by year. At present, the population of high myopia in China is estimated to exceed 40 million.

China Health Development Research Center of Peking University released the first system in China

National Visual Health Report, a white paper on visual health,

In 2012, the number of people with myopia in China was close to 450 million, of which the incidence of myopia among high school students and college students exceeded 70% and increased year by year.

What does the V mirror do?
V mirror is an intelligent technology glasses that can be used to watch 15 minutes of exclusive cartoons and maintain vision. The transparent zoom lens can watch two-dimensional cartoons, adjust ciliary muscle training, and the red and blue zoom lenses can watch 3D cartoons to improve brain vision training. At the same time, it has eye protection and physical therapy functions to improve visual function and naked eye vision in all aspects.

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V Mirror | Great Health and Great Opportunity The National Wealth Sharing Conference was successfully concluded!
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