Financing is too difficult? Do you know the five issues that investors are most concerned about

Hello, individual entrepreneurs and bosses of small, medium-sized and micro enterprises. The investment and financing market is full of fish and dragons. I believe that this should be seen by all,

Many bosses lack financing experience in the process of financing, which leads to many detours, spend a lot of money unjustly, and are cheated many times. In the final analysis, they do not understand financing, blindly carry out financing, spend hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on business plans and risk assessment reports, and get nothing in the end,

I have been engaged in the investment and financing industry for many years, and the whole investment and financing market is very clear. Now I am providing financing guidance and advice to the project party, and the tea fee is 688 yuan, (don't bother the white whore, knowledge is priceless, experience is priceless)

In addition, I personally sorted out a routine outline of the investment and financing market, and after reading it, I could clearly understand the whole investment and financing market routine, which could eliminate all difficulties in the next financing process. (Outline data cost 288 yuan)

If you are currently financing, if you need a friend who knows financing, financing guidance, and a business plan, please contact me. WeChat: czbw88
(Please indicate the purpose of adding without ink)

For the vast majority of start-ups, "difficult financing" is an indisputable fact.

In the process of financing, the communication with investors is more like a "final exam", which is the key to decide whether or not to finance. Therefore, only knowing what investors are most concerned about and making preparations in advance can improve the success rate of financing.

So what are investors most concerned about? Today I will comb for you:

1. Your business model

Any project that can attract investors' attention must have a clear business model.

Some entrepreneurs believe that the more complex the business model is, the more competitive it is. In fact, this is a false perception. In fact, good projects are often "simple", so simple that even laymen can understand them, and have complete business logic, which can be quickly copied with the support of funds.

2. Your team ability

For investors, investing in start-ups is largely "investing in people", and the founding team is crucial.

Every investor hopes to invest in a team with strong ability, passion and willingness to give everything. Therefore, you should not only prove the team's excellent business ability to investors, but also let them see the team's cohesion. After all, if the team is difficult to implement the best project, the success rate of this project will not be high.

In addition, you should ensure that the team's information is true and accurate, and not exaggerated, because it is easy to be exposed in due diligence.

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