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Are there any projects that want financing in 2023? Many years of investment banking experience tell you personally!

Are there any projects that want financing in 2023? Many years of investment banking experience tell you personally!

I have many years of investment banking experience, and today I would like to share with you the possibility of a good project to be financed through the Internet. I can responsibly tell you that the success rate of financing is 0, and the time and energy you spend on financing are wasted. Instead of going around the world to find investors, if you really value your project, It's better to do it slowly and win step by step. Don't think about financing tens of millions, which is impossible.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, you are a very excellent founder, you own enough investor network resource circle, you also know financing, the success rate may rise, but even this, the success rate is only 5%.

If you see my article, if you are financing, please think twice before you act.

The investment and financing market is a mixture of good and bad people. I have compiled an outline of the investment and financing market routines so that you can understand the inside story of the investment and financing market in five minutes. I hope it can help you avoid risks and avoid detours.
WeChat: czbw88

Original article, written by: Wu Xiangchuang, if reproduced, please indicate the source:
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