The seven basic contents of the business plan must be read by entrepreneurs and financiers!

For entrepreneurial financing guidance and business plan writing requirements, please contact czbw88

1、 Project Introduction

The most important and challenging content in the one page "Project Profile" business plan. Like a TV advertisement, if it can't arouse the interest of the audience within 10 seconds, the audience will press the remote control to change the channel.

Although the "Project Profile" is like a "mini version" of your business plan, it does not have to cover every aspect of your business plan.

Use one sentence to clearly describe your business model, that is, your products or services;

Use one sentence to clearly state why your innovation has solved the problems of users in a timely manner and filled the gap in the market;

Describe the huge market scale and potential prospect in one sentence (including specific figures);

Summarize your competitive advantage in one sentence;

In a word, you and your team are a "successful combination";

In one sentence (including specific numbers and time), outline how you will make investors profit in the shortest possible time;

In one sentence, state how much money you want to raise and what it is mainly used for.

2、 Product/service

Products and services are your business model, that is, what will your company rely on to make money in the future?

Don't say "We want to be the largest in China..." or "The best and the best..." The most taboo is empty language, and we should speak with specific figures.

3、 Develop market

The market can be seen from three aspects: macro, micro, and specific how you develop your own market.

Macro: If the macro market data you can get are free reports downloaded from Internet websites, this kind of information is enough, and VCs/PEs are also browsing the Internet. What is important is the market data directly related to your product, that is, your micro market, the market within your power. The more detailed the data, the better. China Economic and Technical Consulting Group suggested that if you don't have these data, you should buy relevant reports from professional institutions. Even if you don't have these data, VC/PE will find them. If you have "service awareness", It's better to do all the work of VC/PE first, so that you may get the money earlier.

Then, you should explain how you can effectively do the market. Don't dare to say that you need 10 million yuan to do media advertising to build a corporate brand Startups don't have the money to play luxury games; You might as well say, "We have reached an agreement with Haier to bundle and promote it nationwide through their channels..."

4、 Competitors

I don't believe any company has no competitors.

For example, if you have developed a new energy-saving air conditioner, VC will go to the industry leader to inquire, for example, whether Haier has similar products, or why Haier does not develop such products, and then let Haier talk about its views and opinions on such products

If your competitors are also start-ups, don't be afraid. You should do better than them. As long as your products are more advanced than those of your competitors, investors will support you. Maybe investors will buy your competitors, which will solve the problem of competition?

5、 Team members

Of course, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for graduates of famous schools such as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Turtles are no exception. Even if they have spent only a few days in a school in a remote town in the Western Hemisphere, they can still put gold on their faces. Everyone's work experience is also an important content. If you have worked in a large company such as Google and Microsoft, people may imagine that your level is on par with Bill Gates.

If you have neither entered a famous university nor worked in a famous company, do not feel lost. You'd better not say vaguely, "I have rich experience and worked in XX company..." You can dig out your true talents, what major you studied, what position you held in the company, and what projects you did The team is the object of VC/PE's investment, and is also the focus of VC/PE. In addition to packaging yourself, don't forget to detail your team members.

6、 Revenue

Creating a company is like building a tall building. When the foundation is completed, when the roof is sealed, and when the key is turned over are all key nodes in the project.

For early start-ups, what investors are most concerned about is when the company's products can successfully pass various tests to market? When does the company begin to have income on its account? When will the company reach a level of profit and loss?

Of course, being flat is not the ultimate goal of investors. Once the company's revenue and expenditure are balanced, investors will be confident to give you more money to expand the scale and further develop. Entrepreneurs should understand that, no matter what kind of company you start, the earlier you can get the balance, the better. A company begins to have income, indicating that the company's products have market value; A company with even profit and loss shows that it has profit potential; Only companies with profitability are really valuable companies, so more VC/PE will favor you and send you more money.

Think carefully about every important step you will take, and determine every important time node on your company's path to success and glory.

7、 Financial plan

Financial forecast is one of the most important parts of the business plan. Usually, VC/PE will require a detailed financial introduction for projects that are interested in. Remember: make a financial plan for at least three years, preferably five years, focusing on the first year.

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