The Supreme People's Procuratorate Group conducts collective study and discussion on serving Chinese modernization
Time: March 29, 2024 Author: Gong Chenyu Source: Gaojian Network
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The theoretical learning center group of the Supreme Procuratorate Group focuses on performing procuratorial functions Serve Chinese Modernization Hold Collective Learning Seminar Be brave to emphasize

Based on legal supervision, improve the quality and efficiency of duty performance

Fulfill the "Double Responsibility" in the Process of Chinese Modernization

On March 29, the theoretical learning center group of the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate carried out a collective study and discussion on "performing procuratorial functions and using the power of the rule of law to support and serve Chinese modernization" in combination with the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on political, legal and procuratorial work. Ying Yong, the Secretary of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Party Group and the Procurator General, presided over the meeting and stressed that we should adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party over procuratorial work, continue to consolidate and expand the results of thematic education, thoroughly study and implement the important discourse spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Chinese style modernization, base ourselves on legal supervision responsibilities, find the right position, clarify the direction, and fulfill our duties in the process of Chinese style modernization, We will earnestly fulfill the "dual responsibility" of using the power of the rule of law to support and serve China's modernization and accelerate the modernization of procuratorial work, so as to better serve the overall situation, the people's justice, and the rule of law.

"Handling cases is the basic way of legal supervision. Every case is a 'procuratorial product'. Whether the quality is qualified or not is related to the effectiveness of procuratorial performance and affects the people's perception of fairness and justice. The management of procuratorial business is an important part of ensuring that the quality of 'procuratorial products' is qualified. Promoting the modernization of procuratorial business management is an important way to achieve the modernization of procuratorial work."

"To promote the modernization of procuratorial work, we must continue to make efforts in handling cases with high quality and efficiency. In the face of the problem of civil procuratorial 'unskilled' and 'incompetent', we should continue to update the concept of supervision, improve the ability of supervision, seize the key points of supervision, and promote the overall quality and efficiency of civil legal supervision with the high quality and efficiency of each case."

"" Taking responsibility for the rule of law "is the basic carrier for the procuratorial organs to practice the political and people's character, and is the duty of legal supervision. In the process of supervising and handling cases, we must strictly handle cases according to law and impartially administer justice, so as to ensure that every link and every decision is based on solid facts and complies with legal requirements."


At the meeting, Tong Jianming and Gong Ming, the leaders of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and Miao Shengming, the full-time member of the Procuratorate Committee, respectively made exchange speeches.

"A deep understanding and understanding of Chinese style modernization is the basic prerequisite for supporting and serving Chinese style modernization." It should be emphasized that the procuratorial organs should first study and implement the important discourse spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Chinese style modernization, deeply understand and understand the essential characteristics of Chinese style modernization, Chinese characteristics Basic requirements and other major theoretical and practical issues. In the process of Chinese modernization, we should identify the position and direction of procuratorial work, so that procuratorial work can follow up wherever the central work of the Party is promoted. Comrades and leading cadres of the top procuratorial group should take the lead to have a more comprehensive understanding and grasp of the central task and overall development of the party and the country, and consciously put procuratorial work into the Chinese style modernization to think, plan and promote.

"To support and serve Chinese modernization with the modernization of procuratorial work is fundamentally to adhere to the absolute leadership of the Party over procuratorial work. This is the fundamental and commanding political requirement of procuratorial work." It should be bravely emphasized that procuratorial organs, as legal supervision organs and judicial organs under the absolute leadership of the Party, must earnestly ensure that the direction of judicial work is guided by the Party and the principles of judicial work are determined by the Party, The decision-making of judicial work is under the leadership of the Party, and the clear political background of firmly supporting the "two establishment" and firmly achieving the "two maintenance" is continuously polished.

"Promoting Chinese style modernization is a long-term and arduous historic task. The modernization of procuratorial work is accompanied by the process of Chinese style modernization, and it is also a process of deepening and advancing with the times." Ying Yong pointed out that the key to supporting and serving Chinese style modernization with the modernization of procuratorial work is to implement the "dual responsibility": not only to perform legal supervision duties according to law, To maintain stability, promote development, safeguard people's livelihood and ensure good governance on the rule of law track, so as to provide a strong legal guarantee for promoting Chinese style modernization; We should also consciously integrate into the process of Chinese style modernization, focus on the modernization of the concept, system, mechanism and capacity of procuratorial work, deepen reform, and promote the modernization of procuratorial work itself.

It should be emphasized that supporting and serving the Chinese style modernization and promoting the modernization of procuratorial work should ultimately be reflected and implemented in the performance of duties and handling cases. We should focus on the goal of "making the people feel fair and just in every judicial case", make unremitting efforts towards the goal of "handling every case with high quality and efficiency", further deepen and make it practical in terms of entity, procedure and effect, and implement this basic value pursuit of procuratorial performance in handling cases into the whole process and all links of supervision and handling cases, We will truly implement the principled and basic requirements of Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law for fair justice.

"The modernization of procuratorial work is fundamentally the modernization of procuratorial personnel.

[Editor in charge: Yu Chunhe]
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