Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan: Focusing on substantive resolution and source prevention of conflicts and disputes
Time: March 29, 2024 Author: Zha Hongnan Source: Procuratorial Daily Pioneer Weekly Weimin
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The police of the Shuangliu District Procuratorate of Chengdu patiently answered the questions of the petition people.

In recent years, in the process of actively exploring the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, the Procuratorate of Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, has always focused on solving the people's anxieties and anxieties, innovated the "four good" working method, created the brand of "airport for people", and focused on the substantive resolution of conflicts and disputes and prevention at the source, contributing procuratorial force to promoting the modernization of grass-roots governance.

Receive everyone well

The reporter walked into the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center of Shuangliu District Procuratorate and found that there was not only a maternity room, but also emergency facilities such as cardiac defibrillators.

"In view of the fact that there are many cases involving ethnic minorities in our district, we have added Tibetan, Yi and other service guidelines in the hall. In order to let the complainants learn legal knowledge and understand the overall situation of Shuangliu's economic development, we have also set up a common people's library." Zhou Min, director of the fifth procuratorial department of the Shuangliu District Procuratorate, said that by creating a warm working environment, Let the petition public feel and feel the affinity and love of Shuangliu prosecutors.

Wu Tuo, the director of the comprehensive business department of the Shuangliu District Procuratorate, told reporters that in order to optimize the handling experience of the petition people, the procuratorate launched such procuratorial services as acceptance, delayed reception, and door-to-door visits, and in March 2021 created the "Nothing Can Be Done" The inquiry system (that is, if the complainants fail to handle the complaint matters under the jurisdiction of the Shuangliu District Procuratorate, fail to handle them in time or are dissatisfied with the handling results, they can conduct inquiries, put forward opinions or suggestions, and the court will reply to the complainants within 3 working days after receiving the inquiry), set up a special window to handle the "impossible" inquiry matters, and continue to improve the experience of the complainants. After the implementation of the relevant system, the hospital has accepted 27 petition cases, carried out 32 door-to-door visits, received 23 times during the eight hour extension period, and handled 4 "impossible" inquiries.

Say every word well

On June 18, 2023, the "Red Crabapple Gold Inspection Emblem" party volunteer team of the Shuangliu District Procuratorate came to Yingchunqiao Community, Dongsheng Street, the district, and together with the local social workers and grid staff, visited the house of a petition crowd named Song.

Song has complained and petitioned the judicial authorities and petition authorities since May 2016 because he did not accept the criminal judgment of the court. After reviewing the papers, the prosecutor of the court learned that the Chengdu Intermediate Court, Sichuan Provincial High Court and the Supreme Court rejected Song's appeal; The Chengdu Municipal Procuratorate decided not to protest after review, and the Sichuan Provincial Procuratorate closed the case after review. After knowing the above situation, the chief procurator of Shuangliu District Procuratorate led the members of the "Red Crabapple Financial Inspection Emblem" party volunteer team, and invited local people's congress representatives, CPPCC members, lawyers on duty, community cadres and psychological consultants to explain the law and reason in a certain Song family for many times. After patiently enlightening in many ways, Mr. Song finally untied his heart knot and law knot, and voluntarily stopped complaining and stopped visiting.

It is understood that the Shuangliu District Procuratorate gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and in April 2020 established a "Red Crabapple Gold Inspection Emblem" party volunteer team with the leadership of the procuratorate and business backbone as members. The team focused on the complaint cases with prominent contradictions, insisted on accurate demand, regularly went into rural communities, and learned about the complaints of the people through social workers, grid workers, neighborhood neighbors and other ways, Grasp the ideological trends of the petition people, and lay a good foundation for the subsequent interpretation of the law and reasoning, and resolving conflicts and disputes. The team has successfully resolved 19 complaints.

Answer every question

The root cause of most complaints is inadequate reasoning. In March 2023, the Shuangliu District Procuratorate established the Conflict Resolution Center for Law Interpretation and Rationality, which is led by the Procurator General, coordinated by the prosecution department, and jointly participated by all departments. It puts the work of law interpretation and reasoning ahead of the work, and resolves conflicts and disputes in the bud by explaining the legal theory.

For general letters and visits, the Center for Interpreting and Resolving Contradictions organizes relevant functional departments to comprehensively use mediation, hearing and other methods to answer questions; With regard to the letters and visits of major cases, they should be submitted to the joint conference of prosecutors and the procuratorial committee for study, and the chambers of commerce offices of all departments should jointly respond; For difficult and unsolved cases of letters and visits, we set up a special work team for the hospital leaders to handle the cases, and jointly resolve the conflicts and disputes with the neighborhood where the complainants are located and the relevant departments, so as to finally resolve the unsolved cases of letters and visits. At present, the Court's Law Interpretation and Rationality Conflict Resolution Center has handled 9 related cases, which has truly ensured that conflicts do not rise and risks do not spill over.

At the same time, the Court has formulated the Implementation Measures for Lawyers' Participation in the Agency Work of Letters and Calls Related to Law and Lawsuits, invited the third party to participate in the interpretation of the law and reasoning in depth, and introduced deputies to the National People's Congress, CPPCC members, people's supervisors, lawyers, psychological consultants, etc. to form a pool of experts on interpretation of the law and reasoning, giving full play to their professional advantages, and promoting the timely resolution of contradictions between letters and calls, More than 80 expert think tank members have been invited to explain the law and reason; We took the initiative to provide free legal services for complainants to contact legal aid lawyers, carried out legal interpretation and reasoning work at the same time, and successfully resolved 6 major and difficult complaint cases.

Handle each case well

In order to further promote the optimization of "simple" cases and strive to handle "small cases" of people's livelihood, the hospital has created the "five must" work law for handling "small cases" of criminal cases, to ensure that every case must be inquired, every case must be mediated, every case must be recovered, every case must review the necessity of custody, and every case must be followed up to ask for results, and establish a compensation deposit system to actively promote criminal reconciliation and repair damaged social relations.

In the process of handling the theft case of Mr. Zheng, the Shuangliu District Procuratorate timely understood the victim's demands, actively interpreted the law and reasoning and legal provisions to the criminal suspect, and ultimately facilitated the parties to reach a settlement. After the compensation deposit was deposited, the court started the necessity review procedure of detention in time to change the compulsory measures for the criminal suspect. At the same time, considering that the suspect is a first-time offender, an incidental offender, and actively compensates for the loss of the victim, the court put forward a sentencing proposal for the application of probation, which was adopted by the court and recognized by both parties.

"In order to solve the problem of difficult enforcement of juvenile maintenance fees, our hospital has created a big data supervision model and urged the court to enforce more than 130000 yuan of maintenance fees according to law." The procurator of the court said that the Shuangliu District Procuratorate has established a judicial relief mechanism of "active performance of duties, legal assistance (rescue as soon as possible), up and down linkage, and multiple assistance", in collaboration with local courts, public security Judicial forces and other forces jointly carried out civil procuratorial reconciliation work, and explored the work experience of "supporting prosecution+legal aid+delegated mediation+judicial confirmation". In the past two years, 71 people, including women and children in need, and veterans, have been rescued.

(Original title: Acceptance of defects, delayed reception, door-to-door visit to Chengdu Shuangliu: focus on substantive resolution of conflicts and disputes and source prevention

[Editor in charge: Li Junrui and Jia Xinran]
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