
Crab watching the tide! Behind 300 gift packs for Hunan cultural tourism

Source: Rednet

Author: Dai Kemo Chuning

On May 19, 2023, the Hunan publicity activity of China Tourism Day and Langshan Cultural Tourism Promotion Season will be launched in Shaoyang Xinning Langshan Scenic Spot.

Red Net Moment reporter Dai Kemo Chuning reports from Changsha

On May 19, the Hunan publicity activity of China Tourism Day and the launching ceremony of Langshan Cultural Tourism Promotion Season were held in the Langshan Scenic Spot of Xinning County, a world natural heritage site and a national 5A level tourist attraction. The event invited tourists to "poetry and distance".

At the same time, 14 cities and prefectures of Hunan Province have played the main theme of tourism together, promoting tourism with benefits and promoting consumption with tourism, and introduced nearly 300 policies benefiting the people, adding color to the warming up of the summer tourism season that is just around the corner.

The main venue was settled by Shaoyang "following the trend"

This time, the site selection of the main venue of the China Tourism Day Hunan promotional event not only needs the host site to have a deep cultural and tourism heritage, but also to pay attention to the flow effect, so that the promotion of cultural and tourism brands can be made logical.

Langshan, Xinning.

Shaoyang does not lack cultural and tourism heritage.

Hu Zeng, Wei Yuan, Cai E and other historical celebrities were born here; Langshan Mountain in Xinning, Huayao Ancient Village in Longhui Tiger shaped Mountain, Chengbu Nanshan Mountain, and Huangsang Mountain in Suining are beautiful; Xinning navel orange, Xiangjiao wine, pig blood meatballs, Shaoyang rice noodles, and Wugang pickled vegetables leave you with endless aftertaste; Longhui Huayao's conversion to Liao, Suining's April 8th Girls' Day, Chengbu's June 6th Folk Song Festival and other national festivals are colorful

At the launching ceremony, Yan Hua, Secretary of Shaoyang Municipal Party Committee, introduced Shaoyang's history and culture, wonderful mountains and waters, delicious food, and folk customs in a "menu" way, and launched the "wonderful Shaoyang" cultural tourism brand through the conference.

Change the flow into reserve, Shaoyang also prepares enough lessons.

The phenomenal propagation of the song "Good Morning Longhui" opened a traffic window for Shaoyang. In this event, Yuan Shuxiong came to the scene to accept the honorary award of "Shaoyang Cultural Tourism Image Promotion Ambassador", and committed to the cultural tourism brand to go further and have a deeper impact.

The event launched five main activities and four supporting activities, including the second cultural tourism consumption season in Shaoyang City, "Love in Langshan" Shunhuang Night Tour Experience, "Let's Date" 5 · 20 Langshan Thousand People Dating Meeting and other theme contents.

Shaoyang, Huaihua and Loudi signed a mutual benefit agreement for citizens to visit each other.

Of course, there are also "colored eggs" signed with heavy weights. Shaoyang, Huaihua and Loudi have signed a mutual benefit agreement for citizens to visit each other. From now on to May 18, 2024, citizens of the three cities can visit the three participating scenic spots for free with the "Wonderful Shaoyang Cultural Tourism Consumption Card", "Hi You Huaihua Cultural Tourism Consumption Card" and "Legendary Loudi Global Tourism Card". The "one card tour to three cities" initiative will help the southwest region of Hunan to realize the complementary advantages of culture and tourism, market linkage, and stimulate the new potential of culture and tourism consumption.

Shaoyang, who is in the traffic window, has the strength and confidence to retain tourists by constantly improving the quality of cultural tourism.

Warming up the summer market with mutual benefits

Official coupons will be sent to "Hui" in summer.

This time, Hunan has launched nearly 300 cultural and tourism packages with preferential policies to promote tourism and invite guests in good faith.

From May 15 to June 30, Changsha granted tourists a subsidy of 500000 yuan of cultural tourism coupons; From June 1 to August 31, Huaihua will issue the first batch of cultural tourism coupons totaling 500000 yuan to tourists across the country; Xiangtan issued 4 million yuan of government cultural, tourism and sports coupons, covering all aspects such as eating, drinking, playing and traveling.

On the evening of May 19, there were many tourists at the Konjak Food Market in Huitong County.

All cities and prefectures offer discounts, and the scenic spot responds and follows up.

Shaoyang, as the main venue for Hunan's promotional activities on China Tourism Day, ushered in the second cultural tourism consumption season, and the A-level scenic spot in the city on the day of "May 19" was free of tickets; From May 20 to August 31, the national secondary and college entrance examination candidates will be free of tickets with their admission cards; From May 20 to June 30, Hunan people can enjoy a 50% discount when purchasing tickets with ID cards.

Nanyue Scenic Area launched a free ticket to enter Nanyue Temple and Shuilian Cave Scenic Area by wearing a full set of Han suits; The Yandi Mausoleum Scenic Area is free of tickets for tourists from all over the country, and the activity of "buying tickets and sending incense" is launched.

In the more depressed county tourism market, festivals are boosting tourism consumption.

On the morning of May 19, the "May 19" China Tourism Day Huaihua Branch Venue and Huaihua Cultural Tourism Consumption Season Activity, the 520 First Romantic Encounter Festival were inaugurated. Taking the festival as an opportunity, we will further deepen the building of the "City of Konjak" cultural tourism brand. At the opening ceremony, "Mountain City" signed a cooperation agreement with "Water City" Yiyangnan County on accelerating the development of characteristic agricultural industry of konjac crawfish, and the two places promoted each other's industries, cultural tourism, resource sharing and cultural integration.

On May 19, Huitong County and Nanxian County signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Promoting Cultural and Tourism Exchanges in Huitong County and Nanxian County and Accelerating the Development of Konjak Crawfish Characteristic Agricultural Industry.

"We will learn from the 'Nanxian model' of crawfish industry, and will fight together to create a 'national konjak distribution center' to further stimulate market demand and force the development of local productivity and economy." Meng Xueqian, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy head of the county, said.

The "dream linkage" of Huitong County and Nanxian County is a new model worthy of reference for the development of county tourism industry. As a county whose industrial structure is dominated by agriculture, the two cities work together to build brands and promote tourism consumption.

This year, 500 tons of konjac will be sent to the tables of Changsha, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and even overseas diners, equivalent to the total production of konjac in the past two years; In the summer, the snack food street focusing on "Amorphophallus Loving Crawfish" will officially open for visitors, becoming a new growth point to promote tourism consumption.

From cities and prefectures to counties, from the "benefit" of the people's agreement to the festival, all are preparing for the upcoming summer cultural tourism market, which is the bottom line of Hunan cultural tourism to help promote consumption.

Hunan Culture and Tourism Industry Helps the "Year of Consumption Boost"

Beautiful China, a happy journey.

On China Tourism Day, "preferential tourism" is the focus, "consumption" is the core, and attracting tourists and returning with full load is the most sincere expectation of the cultural tourism market.

Research activities entered Zhangjiajie World Geopark Museum.

The theme of Hunan is clear: to carry out a variety of cultural and tourism activities, launch sincere measures to benefit the people, stimulate new vitality of cultural and tourism consumption, deeply promote mass tourism, explore the development of green tourism, accelerate the cultivation of smart tourism, actively advocate civilized tourism, and promote the deep integration of cultural and tourism.

The most important thing is to invite each other with benefits, enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness, realize the good vision of the whole society and industry to participate in tourism and share tourism, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to "poetry and distance".

In February 2023, Hunan launched the policy of "twenty measures for stable growth", and made it clear that this year's work goal of "the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the province will exceed 2 trillion yuan, an increase of more than 7%".

In this policy, tourism plays an important role in promoting consumption: issuing cultural and tourism consumption vouchers and opening up special funds to support cultural and tourism promotion and marketing activities, provincial travel agencies that attract tourists to Hunan, the holding of the second tourism development conference, and the creation of a demonstration area for nightly consumption gathering, all of which are just to stir up a pool of spring water in the cultural and tourism consumption market.

During the May Day holiday this year, Juzizhoutou was crowded with people.

Tourism is the leading indicator for the sustained recovery of consumption. The six elements of tourism, namely, food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment, are closely related to consumption. During the May Day holiday this year, Hunan's tourism market set sail and sang loudly. What we saw was that the consumption index was rising.

The promotion activity of China Tourism Day in Hunan has launched many "real gold and silver" preferential policies. With a sincere attitude, it has annotated the invitation of "poetry and distance" for the cultural and tourism market in Hunan, boosting the emerging consumption vitality of the cultural and tourism market in Hunan. This is not only the implementation of the policy of "20 points of steady growth", but also the "year of consumption boost" Contribute to the in-depth practice of Hunan's cultural and tourism forces. Go back to Sohu to see more

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