
Beijing prohibits illegal operation of private "scenic spots" and tent camping


China. com, May 22 - On May 19, according to the news on the official account of "Cultural Tourism in Beijing", 13 departments including the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the Capital Civilization Office jointly studied and formulated the Opinions on Regulating and Guiding the Development of Tent Camping Sites (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). The Opinions clearly stated that the daily safety management of tent campsites should be strengthened, and tent camping activities should be carried out in areas that have not been officially developed and opened to receive tourists, lack of safety guarantee, and private "scenic spots" that operate in violation of regulations. Tent campsites set in areas and tent campsites that do not have safe use conditions should be cleaned up and patrolled and guarded.

The Opinions put forward that the camping management unit should formulate and implement emergency plans for various types of extreme weather in tent campsites, such as heavy rainfall, strong wind, heavy snow, strong lightning, hail, cold wave, sand storm, etc., increase publicity for tourists' safety precautions and improve tourists' awareness of disaster prevention and avoidance according to the early warning classification and emergency response measures for extreme weather in the city, Guide tourists to actively prevent and avoid risks. (Guo Xu) Go back to Sohu to see more

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