Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products


 Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products


Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products

Since the founding of New China 75 years ago, the energy industry has accelerated its development, and China has become the world's largest energy producer and consumer. Since the 18th CPC National Congress Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products China's energy has entered a new stage of high-quality development. In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation" to promote the energy consumption revolution, supply revolution, technological revolution, institutional revolution and comprehensively strengthen international cooperation, which pointed out the direction of the energy development in the new era and provided fundamental guidance. Under the guidance of the new energy security strategy, China has embarked on a path of energy transformation that conforms to its national conditions, the global development trend and the requirements of the times.

After long-term development, China has established a fully developed energy supply system for coal, oil, gas, nuclear, water, wind, light and other energy sources, which provides a strong driving force for sustained and rapid economic and social development. current Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products China has embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and put forward new requirements for high-quality energy development. China is the largest developing country in the world, but its per capita energy consumption is not high, industrialization and urbanization have not yet been completed, and energy demand will continue to grow for some time in the future; The industrial structure is biased, the energy structure is biased towards coal, and resource and environmental constraints exist for a long time. To cope with these difficult challenges, it is essential to rely on energy transformation.

China's energy transformation focuses on accelerating the transformation of energy development mode and energy development power, and promoting the replacement of major energy sources from fossil energy to non fossil energy, which is an urgent need to break the resource and environmental constraints and achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality; It is an urgent need to seize the opportunity of a new round of technological and industrial reform and accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity; It is an urgent need to promote the formation of green production and lifestyle, and achieve high-quality economic and social development; It is an urgent need to actively shoulder the responsibility of a major country and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. China's promotion of energy transformation is not for others to ask us to do it, but for us to do it ourselves; It is not whether we can do it, but we must do it.

——Adhere to green and low-carbon. Both green water and green mountains Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products Energy transformation is the key. Adhere to the development path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon, strive to promote the harmonious coexistence of human and nature, and take energy transformation as an important goal of economic and social development. Put energy and resources conservation in the first place, implement a comprehensive conservation strategy, make full use of one gram of coal, one drop of oil and one kilowatt hour of electricity, and constantly improve energy utilization efficiency. Guided by green and low-carbon, we will vigorously implement renewable energy substitution and accelerate the construction of an energy supply system dominated by non fossil energy.

——Adhere to innovation and leadership. Innovation is the "golden key" to open the door of energy transformation. Accelerate the implementation of innovation driven development strategy and strengthen key core technology research Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will accelerate innovation in energy technologies, industries, and business models, promote new energy technologies and related industries to become new growth points that drive industrial upgrading, and foster and expand new quality productivity. We will deepen the reform of energy marketization, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and stimulate the vitality of various business entities.

China's energy transformation has driven the development of clean energy into a fast lane. In 2023, the proportion of clean energy consumption will reach 26.4%, 10.9 percentage points higher than that in 2013 Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products The proportion of coal consumption dropped by 12.1 percentage points. The total installed capacity of power generation reached 2.92 billion kilowatts, of which the installed capacity of clean energy power generation reached 1.7 billion kilowatts, accounting for 58.2% of the total installed capacity of power generation. Clean energy power generation is about 3.8 trillion kilowatt hours, accounting for 39.7% of the total power generation, an increase of about 15 percentage points over 2013. In the past decade, the newly added clean energy power generation accounted for more than half of the total power consumption increment, and the "green" energy content in China has been rising.

China's energy transformation supports high-quality economic and social development. The more energy jobs become, the stronger the primary energy production capacity has grown by 35% in ten years, which strongly supports the steady and healthy development of China's economy. Over the past ten years, fixed asset investment in the energy sector has accumulated about 39 trillion yuan, significantly boosting investment growth in upstream and downstream industrial chains and related industries. A series of major projects in the energy field have been completed and put into operation Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will establish a complete energy equipment manufacturing industry chain, accelerate technological innovation in new energy, hydropower, nuclear power, power transmission and transformation, new energy storage and other fields, and promote the growth of the clean energy industry as a new pillar of the modern industrial system.

China's energy transformation ensures people's needs for a better life. Over the past decade, energy supply and demand have remained balanced, energy prices have remained generally stable, and the energy security of more than 1.4 billion people has been effectively guaranteed. The per capita domestic electricity consumption in China has doubled from about 500 kilowatt hours to nearly 1000 kilowatt hours, and the number of natural gas users has reached 560 million. The "access to electricity" index in the World Bank's global business environment assessment has risen to 12th place. The energy industry has comprehensively boosted poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. The total investment in upgrading rural power grids within the central budget exceeded 100 billion yuan, which led local governments and enterprises to increase capital investment. In 2015, the problem of electricity consumption for people without electricity nationwide was solved historically. The household photovoltaic scale in rural areas reached 120 million kilowatts, involving more than 5.5 million households Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products It can increase farmers' income by 11 billion yuan and create about 2 million jobs every year. We will continue to meet people's green energy demand. By the end of 2023, the clean heating rate in northern China will be nearly 80%, and the national charging infrastructure will increase from less than 100000 units to nearly 8.6 million units.

China's energy transformation and high-level ecological environment protection have been promoted in coordination. Over the past ten years, the average coal consumption for coal power supply has dropped to 303g standard coal/kWh, and the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions of advanced units are equivalent to the limits of natural gas generator sets. From 2013 to 2023, energy consumption per unit of GDP will drop by more than 26%. Continuously promote the upgrading of product oil quality, and the product oil quality has reached the world's advanced level. The number of coal-fired boilers across the country has decreased by more than 80%, and the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region and its surrounding areas, as well as the Fenwei Plain, have basically completed the replacement of winter heating bulk coal in the plain areas. Energy resources have been developed in a green and intensive manner, green development technologies have been widely used, and the mine ecological environment has been significantly improved. Promote the new model of "PV+" ecological restoration in desert, gobi, desert and coal mining subsidence areas. The average concentration of PM2.5 has decreased by 54%, and the days of heavy pollution has decreased by 83%, effectively supporting the construction of a beautiful China.

China's energy transformation has made important contributions to the global energy transformation and the joint construction of a clean and beautiful world. In 2023, China's investment in energy transformation will reach 676 billion US dollars, making it the country with the largest investment in energy transformation in the world. Over the past decade, China has provided high-quality clean energy products and services to the world, continued to increase scientific and technological innovation, constantly promoted the rapid iteration of new energy technologies, and effectively reduced the global costs of wind power and photovoltaic. China has continued to expand opening up and cooperation, and has cooperated with more than 100 countries and regions in green energy projects. A large number of landmark projects, such as nuclear power, hydropower, and new energy, have been completed and put into operation successively. In 2023, the export of wind power photovoltaic products will help other countries reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 810 million tons. China's new energy industry has not only enriched global supply and eased global inflation pressure, but also made outstanding contributions to the global response to climate change and green transformation.

Make good use of energy consumption dual control baton. The implementation of dual control of energy consumption is an important institutional arrangement for China to accelerate the construction of ecological civilization and promote high-quality development. China adapts to the new situation of economic and social development, takes the decline of energy consumption intensity as a binding indicator, and promotes the transformation to dual control of carbon emissions. Over the past decade, China has made great efforts to develop energy conservation and carbon reduction technologies and industries through industrial restructuring, optimization and upgrading, and comprehensively improved energy efficiency. Energy intensity has continued to decline, saving energy consumption of about 1.4 billion tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions of about 3 billion tons.

Build a three-dimensional energy conservation management system. Deeply implement laws and regulations such as the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and the Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, establish and improve systems such as energy conservation review and energy conservation supervision for fixed asset investment projects, clarify energy conservation management requirements for key industries and enterprises, strengthen energy conservation management for key energy consuming units, and implement the energy efficiency "leader" system, Improve the endogenous power for energy conservation and efficiency improvement of all main bodies. Give play to the leverage role of tax, finance and other policies, and guide the whole society to increase investment in energy conservation and efficiency improvement.

Innovate market-oriented energy saving methods. We will strengthen the management system of energy efficiency standards and labels, constantly promote the formulation and revision of standards in the field of energy conservation, and use standards to lead energy conservation in all links and fields to improve efficiency. By the end of 2023, 335 national standards such as energy consumption quota and product energy efficiency have been issued, and energy efficiency labels cover 44 types of energy using products in 5 major energy using fields. Actively promote market-oriented mechanisms such as energy contract management, and promote "one-stop" comprehensive service models such as energy-saving consultation, diagnosis, design, financing, transformation, and trusteeship. In 2023, the total output value of energy-saving service industry will exceed 500 billion yuan, double that of 2013.

Deepen the energy saving potential in the industrial field. Industrial enterprises are the top priority of energy conservation and efficiency improvement. We will continue to promote the elimination of backward production capacity and energy-saving technology transformation in the industrial sector, actively promote production process innovation, process reengineering and digital and intelligent upgrading, and organize key enterprises to improve the refined management of energy use. Over the past decade, the energy consumption per unit of added value of industries above designated size has dropped by more than 36%, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of steel, electrolytic aluminum, cement, glass and other products has dropped by more than 9% on average.

Promote green and energy-saving buildings. China is in the process of urbanization with the largest scale in the world. In order to avoid the high carbon lock-in effect, China has strengthened the requirements of energy-saving standards for new buildings, steadily promoted the energy-saving transformation of existing buildings, and accelerated the development of ultra-low energy consumption and near zero energy consumption buildings. By the end of 2023, a total of 32.68 billion square meters of energy-efficient buildings have been built, accounting for more than 64% of the existing urban building area, an increase of nearly 30 percentage points over 2013, and a total of 43.7 million square meters of ultra low energy and near zero energy consumption buildings have been built.

Build a clean and efficient transportation system in an all-round way. With the economic and social development, the demand for logistics and travel is increasing, and the traffic energy consumption will continue to grow. China has accelerated the development of multimodal transport and increased the proportion of railways and waterways in comprehensive transport. Deeply promote the priority development of urban public transport, build and improve the green travel service system, and promote the application of new energy vehicles in the field of urban passenger transport. The motor vehicle emission standard is in line with the world's advanced level, and the vehicles with emission standards of the third country and below are basically eliminated. The intensity of transport energy consumption has been declining, and the comprehensive energy consumption per unit transport workload of the railway in 2023 is about 19% lower than that in 2013. Vigorously develop the charging infrastructure network and improve the layout and service facilities of hydrogenation and gas filling stations. By the end of 2023, nearly 8.6 million charging infrastructures and more than 450 hydrogen refueling stations have been built.

Build conservation oriented public institutions. Formulate the Regulations on Energy Conservation of Public Institutions, actively carry out the creation of conservation oriented institutions and conservation oriented public institutions, promote the use of energy contract management to implement energy-saving technology transformation, promote the electrification of energy consumption of public institutions, and advocate green office and green travel Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will give priority to green and energy-saving products. By the end of 2023, 90% of county-level and above institutions and units have built conservation oriented institutions, and 5114 demonstration units of conservation oriented public institutions have been created. In 2023, the per capita comprehensive energy consumption of public institutions across the country will decrease by 20.4% compared with 2013.

Promote the consumption of renewable energy. Implement the responsibility weight system for renewable energy power consumption, set annual responsibility targets for renewable energy power consumption for each province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) administrative region, and monitor and evaluate their completion. Establish renewable energy green power certificate system Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products The green power certificate is used as the only certificate for energy users to consume green power and the only proof of environmental attributes. Take green power consumption as an important basis and content for evaluation, certification and identification of green products, encourage the whole society to give priority to the use of green energy and purchase green products and services, and encourage qualified enterprises to form a low-carbon and zero carbon energy consumption mode. The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games will achieve 100% use of green power.

Promote the electrification and low-carbon of terminal energy consumption. The industrial sector focuses on production heating, drying, steam supply and other links, implements high temperature heat pump, electric heating and other electric energy substitution, and promotes the demonstration application of renewable energy hydrogen production in chemical and metallurgical fields. Solar water heaters and electric cooks are widely used in the construction field Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will actively promote clean heating in northern China, and promote the replacement of coal-fired heating with clean low-carbon energy such as electricity, natural gas, biomass, geothermal, industrial waste heat, etc. The clean heating rate in northern China will reach nearly 80% by 2023. In the field of transportation, we will vigorously promote new energy vehicles, improve the level of railway electrification, and promote the use of shore power for ships and aircraft docking. By the end of 2023, the number of new energy vehicles in China has exceeded 20.4 million, and the proportion of national railway electrification has reached 73.8%. The electrification rate of the whole society's terminal energy consumption reached 28%, and the electrification level has increased by about 7 percentage points in the past decade.

Practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle. Energy conservation and carbon reduction is a nationwide action throughout the whole society. China actively advocates the concept of green and low-carbon life, carries out in-depth green life creation activities, and promotes the people to continuously improve their awareness of saving. We will intensify the promotion of green and low-carbon products, organize theme publicity activities such as the National Ecological Day, the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, the National Low Carbon Day, and the World Environment Day, and comprehensively popularize energy conservation concepts and knowledge. Encourage the public to travel green, and give priority to green travel modes such as public transportation, bicycle and walking. 109 cities were organized to carry out green travel creation activities, of which 97 cities passed the assessment, and the proportion of green travel reached more than 70%.

Promote the rapid development of wind power and photovoltaic power generation. China is rich in wind and solar energy resources Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products Wind power and photovoltaic power generation have become the main force of clean energy. Orderly promote the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products With the focus on Kubuqi, Ulan Buhe, Tengger and Badain Jaran deserts, it is planned to build a 450 million kilowatt large-scale wind power photovoltaic base project. Promote the large-scale and clustered development of offshore wind power, and the cumulative installed capacity has reached 37.28 million kilowatts. Actively promote the development of distributed new energy, carry out the "Wind Control Action in Thousands of Villages" and "Light Action in Thousands of Households", promote the new "photovoltaic+agriculture" models such as agricultural light complementation, fishery light complementation, animal husbandry light complementation, and open up a broad space for the development of new energy in rural areas. By the end of 2023 Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products The cumulative installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in China reached 441 million kilowatts and 609 million kilowatts respectively, an increase of 10 times over 10 years ago. Among them, the cumulative installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic power generation exceeds 250 million kilowatts, accounting for more than 40% of the total installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation.

We will actively, safely and orderly develop nuclear power. Nuclear power is a high-quality and efficient clean energy. China has always regarded nuclear safety as the lifeline of nuclear power development, adhered to adopting the most advanced technology and the most stringent standards to develop nuclear power, and maintained safe and stable operation of nuclear power generating units for a long time. The construction of coastal nuclear power projects has progressed in an orderly manner. The first batch of units of the independent third-generation nuclear power technology "Hualong No.1", which represents the "business card of China", have been put into operation. The "Guohe No.1" demonstration project is under construction, and the world's first fourth generation commercial nuclear power plant high-temperature gas cooled reactor demonstration project has been completed and put into operation. A breakthrough was made in the comprehensive utilization of nuclear energy for clean heating and heating, and the application of nuclear energy was further expanded. By the end of 2023, the installed capacity of nuclear power in operation is 56.91 million kilowatts, 3.9 times that of the end of 2013; The total installed capacity under operation and construction is 100.33 million kilowatts.

Promote the development of biomass energy, geothermal energy and marine energy. Promote diversified development and utilization of biomass energy according to local conditions Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will steadily develop agricultural and forestry biomass power generation, biogas power generation and urban domestic waste incineration power generation. By the end of 2023, the cumulative installed capacity of biomass power generation will be 44.14 million kilowatts. Promote clean heating of biomass energy according to local conditions Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products And utilize livestock and poultry breeding wastes to develop bio natural gas. Promote and apply clean liquid fuels such as biofuel ethanol and biodiesel in an orderly manner. New breakthroughs have been made in the development of medium and deep geothermal energy, and a number of central heating projects focusing on geothermal energy have been built. Positive progress has been made in large-scale utilization of marine energy.

Promote the clean and efficient development and utilization of coal. Establish a long-term mechanism for green development of coal mines, build safe, intelligent, green and modern coal mines, implement comprehensive management of mining areas and ecological environment restoration, and continuously improve the quality of ecological environment. Over the past decade, the national raw coal washing rate, comprehensive utilization rate of mine water and land reclamation rate have all increased by more than 10 percentage points. Strengthen the comprehensive control and safe utilization of coal mine gas, and the comprehensive benefits of gas extraction and utilization on safe production, resource utilization, and ecological and environmental protection are constantly emerging. Over the past decade, more than 100 million kilowatts of backward coal power capacity have been eliminated. Actively promote the "three transformation linkage" of energy saving and carbon reduction transformation, flexibility transformation and heat supply transformation of coal power units. By the end of 2023, more than 95% of coal power units have achieved ultra-low emissions, more than 50% of coal power units have deep peak shaving capacity, and the pollutant emissions of the power industry have been reduced by more than 90%.

Promote the green transformation and development of oil and gas. The annual output of crude oil is stable at about 200 million tons, and the annual output of natural gas has increased by more than 10 billion cubic meters for seven consecutive years. Promote the construction of green oil and gas fields, vigorously promote carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology, and build a "near zero" emission oil and gas field demonstration area. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of the petroleum refining industry, and strengthen the R&D and application of renewable energy for hydrogen production and carbon dioxide hydrogenation for chemical products. Scientifically plan and comprehensively and orderly promote the upgrading of product oil quality, and realize the "three consecutive upgrades" from national III to national VI in stages. The product oil quality has reached the world's advanced level, and it has taken less than 10 years to complete the nearly 30 years of product oil quality upgrading in developed countries.

Promote the coordinated development of traditional energy and new energy. Promote the transformation of the traditional energy industry to an integrated energy system, and steadily implement the integration of wind, water (storage) and wind, fire (storage) in resource rich areas. New energy power generation projects will be built in coal mine industrial sites, coal mining subsidence areas, vacant land for power plants, oil and gas mining areas and other areas. Through the development of offshore wind power, green power will be provided for oil and gas platforms, and clean energy will be provided for the production, development, processing and conversion of traditional energy. Explore hydrogen energy pipeline transmission, and build integrated transportation energy service stations of oil, gas, electricity and hydrogen in traditional gas stations and gas stations.

We will strengthen the connectivity of energy pipelines. In order to strengthen the optimal allocation of resources, China has accelerated the construction of energy network infrastructure that spans the east and west, runs through the north and south, and covers the whole country, so as to improve the capacity of long-distance energy transmission. The trans provincial and trans regional transmission pattern of the three major channels of "power transmission from west to east" in the north, middle and south has been formed. The transmission capacity is about 300 million kilowatts, and 20 UHV DC transmission channels have been built. Continuously improve the main grid structure of regional power grids, and form a grid pattern with several regional power grids as the main body and effective interconnection between regions. The "national one network" of oil and gas has been basically formed, and the level of optimized allocation of oil and gas resources and mutual aid and protection has been significantly improved. By the end of 2023, the total mileage of the country's long oil and gas pipeline network is about 190000 kilometers, including 33000 kilometers of crude oil pipelines, 33000 kilometers of product oil pipelines, and 124000 kilometers of natural gas pipelines.

Improve the emergency capacity of energy reserves. Further improve the coal reserve system with enterprise reserve as the main body, government reserve as the supplement, and product reserve and capacity reserve as the organic combination. Gradually form an oil reserve system that combines government reserves with enterprise reserves and combines strategic reserves with commercial reserves. We will accelerate the construction of a multi-level natural gas storage and peak shaving system in which local governments, gas supply enterprises, pipeline transportation enterprises, and urban gas enterprises take their respective responsibilities. In the past decade, China's natural gas storage capacity has doubled. Strengthen the construction of energy emergency response capacity, establish a prediction and early warning mechanism, formulate emergency plans, and improve the drill system and emergency dispatching mechanism Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products And enhance the ability to prevent various emergencies.

Improve the regulation capacity of the energy system. Deeply implement the flexibility transformation of coal motor units, rationally arrange natural gas peak shaving power stations, accelerate the construction of pumped storage power stations, and promote the diversified development of new energy storage. By the end of 2023, the installed capacity of thermal power with flexible regulation capacity is nearly 700 million kilowatts, the installed capacity of pumped storage is 50.94 million kilowatts, and the new energy storage scale is 31.39 million kilowatts/66.87 million kilowatt hours, with an average energy storage duration of 2.1 hours. Strengthen the ability of complementation and mutual aid between networks, and tap demand side response capabilities such as adjustable load, vehicle network interaction, etc.

We will strengthen coordinated innovation in energy science and technology. Focusing on major national projects such as nuclear power, oil and gas, and key research and development plans such as advanced renewable energy technologies, energy storage and smart grids, hydrogen energy, and clean and efficient use of coal, we formulated and implemented energy technology innovation plans and strengthened the top-level design of scientific and technological innovation. Establish and improve the national key laboratory in the energy field, the national engineering research center, and the R&D and innovation platform of the National Energy Administration. Rely on major energy projects to promote scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation, and improve the new model of key energy technology and equipment research and demonstration coordinated by central and local governments, enterprises, schools, enterprises, institutes, and other institutions.

Stimulate the vitality of innovation subject. Strengthen the dominant position of energy enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, promote leading enterprises to take the lead in establishing innovation consortia, and create a source of original technology and a long modern industrial chain. Implement systems such as "unveiling and leading" and "horse racing" for major scientific and technological projects in the energy field, and effectively stimulate the innovation vitality of research and development subjects. We will improve support policies for the first set of energy technology and equipment, and promote the demonstration and application of major technology and equipment. Support innovative enterprises to grow into the birthplace of innovation Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will improve support policies and public service systems to fully unleash the potential of enterprises for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Vigorously develop green energy technology. A complete R&D, design and integrated manufacturing system for the whole industry chain of wind power and photovoltaic has been established. The conversion efficiency of high-efficiency crystalline silicon, perovskite and other photovoltaic cell technologies has broken world records for many times, and the conversion efficiency of mass production of advanced crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells has exceeded 25%. The maximum single unit capacity of onshore wind turbines has exceeded 10 MW, and the offshore wind turbines with a single unit capacity of 18 MW have been successfully offline. The whole industrial chain system of hydropower design, construction and equipment manufacturing is the world leader. The world's largest hydropower unit with a single unit capacity of 1 million kilowatts has been put into operation in Baihetan Hydropower Station. Comprehensively master the third-generation pressurized water reactor and fourth generation nuclear power technology of high-temperature gas cooled reactor, such as "Hualong No.1" and "Guohe No.1", and start the construction of "Linglong No.1" small pressurized water reactor demonstration project. Smart grid technology is in the forefront of the world, and such landmark projects as flexible DC transmission have been completed. The development of new energy storage and hydrogen energy technologies was accelerated.

Improve the level of clean and efficient utilization of traditional energy. The coal power industry has promoted the application of ultra (ultra) critical coal-fired power generation, deep peak shaving technology, etc. The environmental protection and energy efficiency indicators have reached the world's advanced level. Advanced oil and gas exploration and production technologies such as carbon dioxide oil displacement, horizontal drilling and shale gas development in the oil and gas field have been industrialized. Deep sea oil and gas exploration and development technologies have made significant progress. The world's first 100000 ton deepwater semi submersible production, storage and oil platform, "Deep Sea No.1", has been put into operation, promoting the green transformation and upgrading of the oil and gas industry.

Promote the transformation and upgrading of energy industry with digital and intelligent technology. Accelerate the digital and intelligent upgrading of energy infrastructure, vigorously promote the construction of smart power plants, smart oil and gas fields, and smart coal mines, and improve the level of intelligent decision-making, operating efficiency, and service quality of enterprises. Accelerate the construction of a new power system, share all kinds of subject information in the whole chain of source network load storage, realize panoramic perception, global control, effective coordination of main distribution networks, real-time regulation of all kinds of power sources, and improve the efficiency of power resource allocation and the level of safe operation of the system. The terminal energy use link will accelerate the construction of digital energy ecology, build smart energy cities and smart communities (parks), improve the coordinated regulation and intelligent level of energy use systems, promote the birth of new smart energy use models, and promote the upgrading of green consumption with the digital economy.

Cultivate new forms and models of energy industry. Optimize and integrate resources at the power supply side, power grid side and load side, and build a new supply form with highly integrated source, grid, load and storage, and collaborative interaction. In combination with typical application scenarios such as industry, transportation and construction, smart micro grid will be built according to local conditions to promote the local consumption of new energy. Promote the construction of virtual power plants and improve the power system regulation capacity. Promote new modes of integrated energy services such as natural gas combined cooling, heating and power, geothermal, distributed new energy, new energy storage, and waste heat utilization, and improve the efficiency of comprehensive energy utilization.

We will continue to deepen the reform of energy marketization. The situation of unified purchase and marketing of power grids has been basically broken. Market competition has been introduced in power generation and sales, and social capital investment has been introduced in power distribution. New entities such as integrated energy service providers, virtual power plants, and new energy storage enterprises have flourished. Private enterprises have become the main force in the new energy industry. Private enterprises account for about 60% of China's wind power machine manufacturing enterprises, and the vast majority of photovoltaic equipment manufacturing enterprises are private enterprises. The reform of the oil and gas system has been deepened, and a national pipeline network company has been established to gradually form a market pattern of multi subject and multi-channel supply of upstream oil and gas resources, efficient gathering and transmission of centralized pipeline networks in the middle, and full competition in the downstream sales market.

Build a unified national energy market. We will accelerate the construction of a unified national power market system, efficiently coordinate transactions among provinces, regions, and provinces, and organically link medium - and long-term, spot, and ancillary service transactions. Establish power trading center, oil and gas trading center and coal trading center, and build an open, transparent and functional energy trading platform. The proportion of the national market trading electricity in the total electricity consumption of the whole society has increased from 17% in 2016 to 61.4% in 2023, and the market trading electricity of wind power and photovoltaic will account for 47% of the total power generation of wind power and photovoltaic in 2023, which has effectively promoted the optimal allocation of power resources and the efficient use of renewable energy.

We will improve the energy price formation mechanism. Deepen the reform of energy price marketization, orderly promote the participation of all kinds of power sources in the market, constantly improve the policy system of new energy grid pricing, and comprehensively liberalize the price of industrial and commercial sales. Establish a coal power capacity pricing mechanism to promote the transformation of coal power from a basic power source to a supporting regulatory power source. We introduced a series of tiered electricity pricing policies for high energy consuming industries to promote energy conservation and emission reduction, improved the time-sharing electricity pricing policy, and guided users to cut peak load and fill valley load, and use electricity at off peak. We will build a price supervision system for natural monopoly links with "permission cost+reasonable income" as the core and equal emphasis on incentives and constraints. We will improve the pricing mechanism for refined oil products that flexibly reflects changes in crude oil prices in the international market and domestic supply and demand. We will orderly promote the market-oriented reform of natural gas valve stations. The medium and long-term coal contract system and market price formation mechanism have been continuously improved.

Strengthen policy support. Adapt to the needs of green and low-carbon transformation, and improve the standard system related to clean energy. We will develop a guide catalog for green and low-carbon transformation industries, and formulate and improve industrial support policies according to the catalog. We will increase support for clean and low-carbon energy projects from investment in the central budget, special bonds of local governments, and the National Green Development Fund. Build a green financial system, guide financial institutions to increase green loans under the principle of marketization and rule of law, and support enterprises to issue green bonds. Optimize the approval and filing process of clean and low-carbon energy projects, and simplify the management process of distributed energy investment projects.

Improve regulatory effectiveness. We will improve the regulatory system for natural monopolies in the energy sector, and promote the fair opening of power grids and oil and gas pipeline networks to third parties without discrimination. Continue to strengthen supervision over market transactions, price mechanisms, information disclosure, etc., correct acts that disrupt market order in a timely manner, and ensure the effective implementation of market rules. We will strengthen the supervision of the implementation of major energy plans, policies and projects, and strengthen the supervision of renewable energy consumption, regulatory power supply construction and operation, and rural power grid consolidation and upgrading. Innovate energy regulation methods, establish a new credit based regulatory mechanism, and promote "Internet+" regulation. Establish and improve power security supervision systems such as security risk management and control of large power grid, power emergency, dam security, and network security risk management and control to ensure safe and stable operation of power system and reliable power supply.

We will improve the legal system. China has established an energy transition legal system based on the Energy Conservation Law and the Renewable Energy Law, supported by the Clean Production Promotion Law, the Circular Economy Promotion Law, and the Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading. We will promote the codification of the Ecological Environment Code, accelerate the formulation of the Energy Law, revise the Renewable Energy Law and the Electricity Law, further improve the regulatory system to promote green production and consumption, and strengthen incentive and restraint systems such as energy conservation, improving the development goals of non fossil energy, giving priority to the use of renewable energy, and promoting green energy consumption.

Improve the level of administration according to law. Deeply promote the construction of a government ruled by law, and run the rule of law through the whole process of formulating, implementing, supervising and managing energy strategies, plans, policies and standards. In the energy field, we will comprehensively implement the administrative law enforcement publicity system, the whole process recording system, and the legal review system of major law enforcement decisions, improve the benchmark system of administrative discretion, and strictly regulate fair and civilized law enforcement. We will deepen the reform of the administrative reconsideration system, optimize the procedures for accepting administrative reconsideration, the rules of evidence, and the trial mode, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and the people in energy production and consumption activities in accordance with the law. We will carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law in energy, fully implement the legal responsibility system of "whoever enforces the law will popularize the law", and promote the whole society to consciously fulfill its green consumption obligations.

We will strengthen energy justice services. Improve the judicial service measures for high-quality energy development in an all-round way, and promote the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality with fair justice. The Supreme People's Court has set up an environmental and resources tribunal. There are 2800 special environmental and resources judicial institutions and organizations in the country, which are specialized in hearing cases related to the construction of ecological civilization and the rule of law. Issue relevant judicial interpretations and guidance opinions to clarify the application of laws and the guidelines of judicial rules in hearing cases related to energy transformation.

China's green energy development has become the engine of global energy transformation. Since 2013, China's new installed capacity of renewable energy has accounted for more than 40% of the world's new installed capacity of renewable energy annually, and the new installed capacity in 2023 will account for more than half of the world's new installed capacity. The Renewable Energy 2023 report released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) pointed out that China is a leader in the field of renewable energy in the world, and is also the main driving force for the rapid and large-scale growth of renewable energy in the world. From 2014 to 2023, the proportion of global non fossil energy consumption will increase from 13.6% to 18.5%, of which the contribution rate of China's non fossil energy consumption increment will be 45.2%.

China's new energy industry provides green power for the world. China has achieved rapid development of new energy industry by relying on continuous technological innovation, perfect industrial chain supply chain system, full market competition and super large scale market advantages, enriched global supply, alleviated global inflation pressure, and contributed to the common response to climate change and human welfare of all countries in the world. PV modules and wind power equipment produced in China have created conditions for the extensive economic use of renewable energy in more and more countries. According to the report of the International Renewable Energy Agency, the average cost per kilowatt hour of global wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects has decreased by more than 60% and 80% respectively in the past 10 years, a large part of which is due to China's contribution.

China's expanded opening up creates new opportunities for deepening international cooperation in clean energy. China continues to create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment, actively promotes the liberalization and facilitation of energy trade and investment, and provides opportunities for foreign-funded enterprises to share the dividends of China's energy transformation. The pre access national treatment plus negative list management system has been fully implemented, and the access of foreign investment in energy fields other than nuclear power plants has been fully liberalized. The Catalogue of Industries Encouraging Foreign Investment was issued, and policy support for foreign investment in clean energy and other fields was strengthened. Multinational companies such as GE, BP and Siemens have steadily increased their energy investment in China. Foreign funded projects such as the offshore wind power project of EDF, Shanghai Tesla electric vehicle manufacturing project and Nanjing LG new energy battery project have successively landed in China.

We will continue to promote green energy cooperation along the Belt and Road. China issued policy documents such as the Opinions on Promoting the Green Development of the Belt and Road Initiative, and actively expanded cooperation in the field of green energy with countries that jointly built the Belt and Road Initiative. 2021 Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products China announced that it would no longer build overseas coal power projects, and green low-carbon energy has become the focus of China's national energy cooperation in joint construction. China has cooperated with more than 100 countries and regions in green energy projects. A large number of landmark energy projects and "small and beautiful" projects that benefit the people's livelihood have taken root, effectively solving the problems of difficult and expensive electricity use in host countries, and providing clean, safe and reliable energy supply solutions for host countries.

And jointly build a high-level energy cooperation platform. China advocates the establishment of the "Belt and Road" energy cooperation partnership, with 33 member countries covering six continents, including Asia and Africa. We will promote the implementation of six regional energy cooperation platforms, including China ASEAN, China Arab League, China African Union, China Central and Eastern Europe, China Central Asia and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Sustainable Energy Center. Establish the SCO Energy Ministers' Meeting mechanism. Focus on energy security, energy transformation, energy accessibility and energy sustainable development issues, and contribute China's programs to global energy governance reform.

——And jointly deepen practical cooperation in energy transformation. China adheres to open cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results, and actively promotes the implementation of global development initiatives. China is committed to promoting the improvement of bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms in the energy field, strengthening the exchange of policies and experience in energy transformation, promoting cooperation and capacity building in green and low-carbon technologies, and lighting up a beautiful world with green energy. China opposes the generalization of national security and restricts normal international development cooperation under various names. China is willing to work with the international community to explore new types of energy for the benefit of mankind and create a sustainable energy future in a broader field.

——And jointly maintain the stability and smoothness of the global energy industry chain supply chain. China has always adhered to genuine multilateralism, opposed unilateralism and trade protectionism in any form, and opposed all forms of "decoupling and chain breaking" and "small courtyard and high wall", and is committed to maintaining the stability and smoothness of the global energy industry chain supply chain. China is willing to strengthen dialogue and communication with other countries, jointly promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and jointly build a safe, stable, unimpeded, efficient, open, inclusive and mutually beneficial global energy industry chain supply chain system. Big countries should focus more on the future of the earth and mankind, safeguard global energy security, promote green development, maintain market order, and demonstrate their responsibility and responsibility.

——And jointly improve global energy accessibility. Poverty eradication is the common responsibility of the international community. Ensuring the supply of energy such as electricity is the basic condition for poverty eradication and gap reduction in underdeveloped areas. China has implemented the largest and strongest poverty alleviation campaign in human history, which has benefited the largest number of people and completely eliminated absolute poverty. China is willing to take practical actions with other countries Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products We will implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, help less developed countries and regions improve their energy supply security capabilities, support relevant countries in promoting the use of clean electricity such as renewable energy, and achieve the development goal of "ensuring that everyone has access to affordable, reliable and sustainable modern energy".

——And jointly address the challenges of global climate change. The earth is the home of human survival, and climate change is a common challenge facing all countries. China firmly implements the national strategy of actively responding to climate change Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products , announced the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality Sino Japanese high-quality brick free products And make contributions to the global response to climate change with practical actions. China will work with other countries to adhere to the principle of fairness, common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, implement the objectives and tasks of the Paris Agreement, and build a fair, reasonable and win-win global climate governance system. Developed countries should provide financial, technological and capacity building support for developing countries to deploy renewable energy, help developing countries deal with the dual challenges of energy supply security and green low-carbon transition, and jointly move towards a more green, inclusive and sustainable future.

China has formulated a medium - and long-term development plan. By 2035, China will basically achieve socialist modernization, widely form green energy production and consumption patterns, accelerate the march of non fossil energy to main energy, and provide strong support for energy transformation through a new power system. The goal of beautiful China will be basically achieved. By the middle of this century, China will be fully built into a modern socialist power, a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient new energy system will be fully built, energy efficiency will reach the world's advanced level, and non fossil energy will become the main energy, supporting the goal of carbon neutrality by 2060.

➷ (Writer: Fan Xiyu)

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