Eden non-stop flight 2024 non-stop flight to the entrance


 Eden non-stop flight 2024 non-stop flight to the entrance

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Where does the direct flight from Eden end

How to fly direct to Eden

Why can't Eden fly straight

Eden flies directly

Eden flies straight across the gate

Phase II of direct flight to Eden

Direct flight at the gate of Eden

Direct flight to Eden

The second stage of the direct flight to Eden

How to fly directly to Eden


Eden non-stop flight 2024 non-stop flight to the entrance

The Sahara Desert across the African continent is the largest desert in the world. In 2007, 11 sub Saharan countries established the Pan African "Green Great Wall" organization under the leadership of the African Union, hoping to cooperate to build a protective belt across Africa to prevent the erosion of the Sahara Desert. In 2017, the Pan African "Green Great Wall" organization and China signed a memorandum of cooperation to jointly build the Pan African "Green Great Wall" Research Center, and carried out cooperation in ecosystem monitoring, sustainable use of land resources, talent training, technology transfer and other fields to enhance the ability of African countries to prevent and control desertification.

Maselan Sanu, senior director of the Pan African "Green Great Wall" organization secretariat, went to Xinjiang, China to participate in the second African "Green Great Wall" construction technology training course, and attended the third Taklimakan Desert Forum. He went deep into the Taklimakan Desert with experts from countries on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert in Africa to learn about the latest technologies and measures to combat desertification. He said that the inspiration for building Africa's "Green Great Wall" came from China's "Three North" shelter forest project from Heilongjiang in the east to Xinjiang in the west. In recent years, Chinese experts have made many field visits to the Sahel region on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, "determining desertification control plans according to local conditions, proposing targeted measures for desertification problems in different countries, and promoting the construction of the 'Green Great Wall' to make progress".

Green development is not only an integral part of China's joint implementation of the "Eight Actions" and the "Nine Projects" with African countries, but also an important part of China Africa high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road". In November 2021, the eighth ministerial meeting of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation adopted the Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024) and the Declaration on China Africa Cooperation on Climate Change. China has signed cooperation documents on climate change with many African countries to support Africa's response to climate change by implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, jointly building low-carbon demonstration areas, and carrying out capacity-building training.

In Kenya, Suoxian Geothermal Power Station, a 35 MW geothermal power station contracted by Chinese enterprises, was put into operation for power transmission at the end of June last year. This is the first geothermal power station in Africa that has been independently completed by a Chinese enterprise from design to construction and commissioning. "Chinese enterprises bring us new technologies to develop geothermal resources." Moshe Rotich, the project manager of Kenya Suoxian Energy Co., Ltd., the owner, believes that Chinese technology will continue to help Kenya accelerate the development of geothermal resources and promote Kenya's energy transformation and green development.

In Ghana, Chinese enterprises are planning to invest in the construction of a 200 MW photovoltaic power generation project in the north of the country and develop a 100 MW wind farm, which will provide Ghana with a more diversified choice of clean energy and help the local green energy transformation. "It is expected that the energy cooperation between the two countries will take advantage of the momentum to promote more wind energy, photovoltaic and other new energy projects in Ghana." Tobe Afedi, former chairman of Ghana's National Chiefs' Court and executive chairman of Accra World Trade Center, is full of expectations for the green energy cooperation between the two countries.

In South Africa, the German Arab wind power project invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises provides South Africa with about 760 million kilowatt hours of stable clean power every year, which is equivalent to saving more than 200000 tons of standard coal, helping South Africa achieve the goal of increasing the proportion of solar energy and wind energy in the energy structure from 7% to 40% by 2030. The President of the National Assembly of South Africa, Florik, said, "South Africa is expanding the scale of renewable energy development Eden non-stop flight 2024 non-stop flight to the entrance And enhance the supply capacity of green energy. It is hoped that Chinese enterprises will play their advantages in technology and innovation and actively participate in the construction of new energy projects in South Africa. "

Since 2022, Kenyan start-ups have used parts designed by Chinese automobile enterprises to assemble in the local area and produced electric buses with a range of 250 kilometers, providing eco-friendly travel options for local residents. In July this year, the Nigerian Lagos state government, together with Chinese enterprises and others, established the largest public travel platform company in Africa. In the next year, 5000 new vehicles will be put on the market, including 1000 electric vehicles introduced for the first time, to provide convenient and environmentally friendly travel experience for Lagos residents.

🏪 (Writer: Pu Zhucui)

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