360 Search > Using Help

Start the first search

Enter the content to be queried in the search box, and then click the Enter key (or click the search button on the right side of the search box) to get the content you want. For example, if you want to find a good movie, enter it directly in the search box“ Good movies ”, click the Enter key (or click the Search button), and you can get the corresponding results immediately!

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Search with multiple words

If you want to search more accurately, just enter multiple keywords in the search box, separated by spaces. For example, if you want to search“ Where to play on the eleventh day ”, rather than searching directly“ Where to play on the eleventh day ”The effect is good.

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Unable to access 360 search normally

If you cannot access 360 Search normally, you can try the following methods:

  1. To confirm whether there is a problem with your network, you can visit other websites to see if there is a similar problem.
  2. Clear the browser's cache and delete the cookie.
  3. Confirm whether your dns cache is abnormal.
  4. Confirm your hosts file and whether the domain name of 360 search has been skipped.

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