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Beautiful Three Kingdoms BT Edition

Mobile Games Round game Size: 3.2M
  • 9.6 points
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Game Details

The game picture of Beauty Three Kingdoms BT Edition is exquisite and beautiful. The beautiful scenery and gorgeous colors blend together, which can be said to complement each other. The proportion of characters and scenes is just right. Although it is a 2D picture, the scenery is portrayed vividly, and walking in the picture is a complete enjoyment. Beautiful Three Kingdoms BT Edition is a more interesting mobile game with the theme of the Three Kingdoms. A variety of pictures show a unique sense of adventure, a tactical war experience, the fun of strategizing to kill the enemy, the recruitment of military officers is fast and powerful, and there are different battle fields waiting for you to experience, experience the passion of breaking through barriers to kill the enemy, and eliminate all kinds of crises, Get lots of opportunities.

Beauty Three Kingdoms BT is a game that allows players to wander among many girls, making them the most obedient and exciting military officers under your hand. Players will face new challenges after they cross this completely different world. Whether they can overcome these difficulties with their perseverance remains to be seen.

[Beautiful Three Kingdoms BT version game materials]

Beauty Three Kingdoms BT Edition is a three kingdoms mobile game that truly restores the classic three kingdoms epic level battle scenes. Players need to match arms according to their own strength in the game. Players need to collect enough generals to help them dominate the Central Plains. Favorite players cannot be missed!

[Beauty Three Kingdoms BT version game highlights]

1. Understand the skills of different professional divine generals in confrontation, complete the final promotion in matching, and gain equipment resources in growth;

2. In the game, you can build your own skills to match each hero, explore the map of each scene, and obtain the weapon treasure of the divine general when you grow up.

3. You can compete with each other to see who is better.

4. In case of any change of strategy, we must be familiar with the enemy's fighting routine before we can quickly break through.

5. The choice of wisdom, the so-called brave and resourceful is the king's way, without any one can not.

[Beauty Three Kingdoms BT game evaluation]

The playing method of cards inherits the Three Kingdoms Game, the most classic core playing method.

The round system is the most classic reincarnation system. How do you want to play.

Build a fighting army, train your soldiers and take them on adventures together.

Screenshot of the game

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