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Flame Slaughter God New Ice and Snow Monster Version

Mobile Games cosplay Size: 93M
  • 9.8 points
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Game Details

What are you waiting for, such a classic version of the Flame Slaughter God and the New Ice and Snow Monster? Come and download it!

Familiar free PK, level training and treasure hunting, guild war and passionate city war! Here, players will once again open the long lost road of blood, relive brotherhood, nostalgia and passion, and fight to the end for honor and brotherhood. If you like it, please download it!

The new version of the Fiery Slaughter God Ice and Snow Monster will lead you to review the most classic legendary game pictures, create the latest legendary play methods, and refresh your eyes with various cool equipment and special effects. The extremely high popularity of the game allows you to reach the full level in minutes, and you can also play pk games with different players. If you are interested, please try downloading it!

[The background of the story of the new ice and snow beast version of the burning flame butcher god]

The first mythical beast version is a retro ice and snow legend, and the new ice and snow mythical beast version is coming! The explosion rate of the whole map has been increased by 100 times, and the explosion rate of level scrolls and reincarnation materials has been greatly increased. The little monster explodes everything, and the little monster explodes the ultimate! Yuanbao returns you to the pure legend world of the past by playing, free trading, one click recycling, small monster exploding all the ultimate and other wonderful games!

[Evaluation of the new ice and snow beast version of the Flame Butcher]

1. Powerful hot blood battle, gorgeous and exciting Junxiong PK;

2. Many guilds and legions fight and experience the strongest magic duel;

3. Dream back to the sand city, and re create hegemony with brothers;

[Evaluation of New Ice and Snow Monster Version of Flame Slaughter God]

1. Market trading, easy explosive outfit, earn yuan bao in anger.

2. The Dragon City strives for hegemony, and the Guild PK and dominates the whole city.

3. Brothers' Guild, brush the boss together and pick up friendship.

4. In the final battle in Shacheng, thousands of people fought with each other.

[Game benefits of the new ice and snow god beast version of the burning flame butcher]

1. Inherit the essence of Duanyou. You can choose from the three major professions of the Way of Warfare!

2. There are all kinds of classic playing methods, such as fighting against monsters and dropping treasures, playing against celebrities, and fighting against the Imperial City!

3. Gather brothers and friends to compete in the mainland of Mafa, win the top of legend, and create another brilliant hegemony!

Screenshot of the game

Game Announcement

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