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Famous Sand City Version 1.76

Mobile Games cosplay Size: 184M
  • 8.1 points
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Game Details

"Famous Sand City Version 1.76" is a legendary mobile game masterpiece inherited by top craftsmanship. The game continues the legendary classic plot, and strives to bring the original experience to players. Classic systems such as free PK in the wild, open trade, cool suit, and 10000 people on the same screen PK attacking the city perfectly reproduce the capture scene. Legends never die, brotherhood never dies, famous sand city version 1.76, waiting for you to fight! The famous sand city version 1.76 breaks the limitations of H5 game, and restores the core content of the legend to the extreme - robbing BOSS, special abstinence, attacking sand, cross server attacking sand and other playing methods. It integrates the full combat system, and takes you to experience different wonderful content. The game continues the classic core play method, continues the classic settings of the legendary world, PK treasure dropping, equipment relying on play, the grand occasion of Shabak reappears, and the perfect reproduction of the top Blu ray image quality will bring players the ultimate shock experience at their fingertips!

The famous sand city version 1.76 is a classic legendary RPG mobile game. The game's core play is to grab the boss and attack the sand. The new combat system brings not only the gorgeous special effects of skills, but also a real sense of attack. The feeling of fist to flesh is very smooth. If you like it, please download it.

[Official Introduction to Mingyang Sand City Version 1.76]

The famous sand city version 1.76 is a role-playing mobile game that can make players proud and famous. In the official version of the famous sand city version 1.76, players will experience the most pure and beautiful legends in the game world. The world of Sabak will be fully reflected in the game, and the rich playing methods will bring different wonderful moments to players!

[The advantages of the famous sand city version 1.76]

1. Super classic realistic picture style, bringing the most authentic version of the legendary 1.76;

2. The combination of martial arts, Taoism and iron triangle reappears strongly and chooses different professions freely;

3. The war smoke rises everywhere, and thousands of troops will fight against enemies in the battlefield, which will open your blood

[Mingyang Sand City Version 1.76 Game Description]

The famous Sand City version 1.76 is an interesting game, which should not be missed by the players you like.

1. Super classic realistic picture style, bringing the most authentic legend version 1.76

2. The combination of martial arts and iron triangle reappears strongly and chooses different professions freely

3. The war smoke rises everywhere, and thousands of troops fight against the enemy in the battlefield, starting your bloody battle journey!

[Highlights of the famous sand city version 1.76]

1. Online gifts: full VIP, Yuanbao * 88888, gold coins * 8000000;

2. The first charge ratio is 1:4000, and the recharge ratio is 1:2000. Every day you recharge, you will get extra yuan;

3. There is no limit to the number of times you can buy physical strength. You can buy unlimited physical strength. You can reach the level in one day;

4. If you knock off the points, you can exchange them in the points store. All the artifacts and generals can be obtained at no cost;

5. Value added growth fund, sold within a time limit, and returned more than 10 times of the total amount of more than 130W yuan when purchased, with a full set of broken pages for free;

6. Every day, you can get massive points, gold ingots, magic mirrors, and pieces of the Great Sage of Pingtian. I have one card in my hand.

[Game benefits of famous sand city version 1.76]

1. Super classic realistic picture style, bringing the most authentic legend version 1.76

2. The combination of martial arts and iron triangle reappears strongly and chooses different professions freely

3. The war smoke rises everywhere, and thousands of troops fight against the enemy in the battlefield, starting your bloody battle journey!

The famous Sand City version 1.76 is a good game to play with rich playing methods and interesting plot.

Screenshot of the game

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