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ImToken Wallet 2.0

Mobile Games Virtual coin wallet Size: 40M
  • 9.4 points
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The editor's analysis on how to recharge imToken reminds investors that even if they do not choose imToken Wallet 2.0, they must choose a wallet that has survived in the market for more than one year, and at least recommend it on the official currency website. Download link. In addition, investors can obtain the download link of the wallet through various channels, such as using at least two search engines and a friend's recommendation. They can only go there if they have the same download links from the three channels. This can avoid being phished. After clicking the receipt, a line of code mixed with numbers and letters and a two-dimensional code chart will appear. This code is the wallet address of the LRC. You can enter this address from other websites, such as Bitcoin and Anticoin, and then withdraw money.

Now let's add a new asset. In the asset column, click the plus sign in the upper right corner to add more assets to the list, as shown in the figure below. Then switch the currency you need to use to the open mode, and return to the asset page. You will find more currencies you need.

[imToken Wallet 2.0 Story Background]

Make sure to back up mnemonics. If you forget your Keystore password or want to change your Keystore password, you need to use mnemonics to retrieve your wallet.

[imToken Wallet 2.0 software advantages]

1. Decentralized wallet, putting users' security and anonymity first, and fully localizing each installed application in a serverless environment

2. The multi chain wallet does not need complicated passwords, and the private key is a set to manage the multi chain wallet, which is safe and convenient;

3. Each kind of currency chain will be different. The payment process is also smooth and timely.

[imToken Wallet 2.0 Software Description]

-The "Browse" channel is newly launched, with new recommended categories and clearer DApp classification

-Simple Wallet protocol is supported, and it is more convenient to scan code to log in to EOS DApp

-Optimize DApp browser, and make DApp animation effects more fluent

-By default, the collection category is displayed, and the collection is displayed under the collection function, such as encryption cat, GU card, etc

-Fully adapt to iPhone XR/XsMax

-Improve the stability of EOS wallet service

-Fix the precision problem of displaying the number of CAN tokens

-Fix the transfer failure of the old version of cold wallet

App screenshot

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