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Official website of League Heavy Heroes

Mobile Games cosplay Size: 496M
  • 9.1 points
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Game Details

The official website version of League Heavy Heroes is a new action mobile game with a magic theme, which can fight against all kinds of opponents at any time. You can take a powerful weapon to guard your home. If you like to fight in groups, you can also join the guild and invite friends to fight with you to upgrade! The official website of League Heavy Heroes is the latest legendary game. The combat power on the game field can be improved freely, and players can participate in unlocking more new level rewards. Online is full of real people. Every day, there is a free social function. You can go online in real time and have a free voice chat. If you are interested, please download it.

The official website of Mengzhong Heroes will bring you an unprecedented gaming experience

The online version of League Heavy Heroes is a very interesting legendary game. The theme of the game is in the sand city. Players can take part in the sand war once a week. It is very passionate and enthusiastic. Call your brothers to fight together in the game and shed blood on the battlefield together.

[Story background of the official version of League Heroes]

The online version of Thunder and Lightning of League Heroes is a popular legendary mobile game. Teacher Luo Yonghao recommends it to join you in the world of Dharma. When the creator god leaves the world, how to repair the broken peace. Adventure in this world and find clues to mysterious people.

[Evaluation on the official game of Alliance Heroes]

1. Yuanbao: Yuanbao can be used to purchase Yuanbao props in the mall and use other advanced functions. Players can obtain it by recharging RMB, of which 1 yuan=10 yuan;

2. Gift money: The gift money can have the items to buy in the gift money store bar. After purchase, the items are bound. If the transaction is not possible, the player can get the gift money by participating in the activities in the game;

3. Copper coins: copper coins can be traded, which can be used to experiment instead of binding copper coins. Players can obtain them through escorting, daily activity, national hero list and other ways;

4. Bound copper coins: Bound copper coins can be used to purchase bound copper coin props and some daily consumption, and cannot be traded. Players can obtain them through hanging up in the wild, daily activity, rolling copies of financial resources, daily activities and other ways.

[Evaluation of the official game of Alliance Heroes]

1. If the game reaches the full level, you can participate in sand attack, and you can get exquisite fashion by participating

2. Authentic, classic and fun legendary game, fighting again.

3. The special effects of the game are very cool. Playing the game here can also let you relive the classic.

4. A large number of yuan and gold coins will be sent online, so that players can enjoy the experience!

[Tips for Novice of League Heroes Official Website]

1. A better apprentice system can enhance the fetters between players, and help new players easily transition early resources;

2. The chaotic adventure field is a paradise for PVP lovers, who grab monsters and loot treasures at will;

3. Abundant weapons and equipment can be collocated at will, and various blood returning pills can increase your battle durability.

[Official game benefits of Alliance Heroes]

1. In the event of excessive recharge rebate, you can get 88888 yuan of treasure for 1 yuan, and also give various gift packages.

2. Receiving a large number of tasks every day can quickly upgrade, gain powerful combat power, and have a chance to obtain powerful weapon rewards

3. The whole body's top quality costumes are no longer a dream. A huge number of copies can be downloaded and pushed by the boss at will, which can make you blind!

4. Free combination of skills, dazzled by cool special effects, the combat experience is not capped every day, helping you become the best in the whole server!

Screenshot of the game

Game Announcement

List of Shadow Blade Legend Activities

Daily Recharge of the Activity - Instant Distribution Activity Time: 2000.8.3 00:00 - 2020.8.6 23:59 Collection Rules: Subject to the maximum amount of recharge in a single day, the high level can receive the low level (can be stacked), for example: the cumulative recharge of 10000 yuan in a single day can receive rewards for all levels, recharge activity reset, such as single day recharge; [Details]


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Those who like to play the alliance contract will find that the match of the lineup is a thorny problem. The good or bad match will directly affect your win or lose in the battle. So how can we efficiently match our heroes and keep us invincible? How to create the strongest alliance in history through different heroes and skill strategies? Well, after reading today's introduction, I believe you; [Details]

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