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Updated: 2021-11-16

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Forest Kingdom

Mobile Games cosplay Size: 212M
  • 7.5 points
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Game Details

The forest kingdom will take you on the return adventure of the king hunter. Infiltration rescue, reconstruction of tribes, five weather scenarios, integration of infiltration and operation of RPG, 3 years of polishing, 4 times of pushing back, just to create a simple, proficient in difficult games. Desolate tribes, a land of endless waste, and enemies waiting for opportunities in the dark surround us. Let's incarnate into the future Hunter King to save the tribe. "Forest Kingdom" brings players a fun and interesting mobile game with the theme of Three Kingdoms Campaign. Players can enjoy the battle stories of fun strategies in this forest kingdom game, so that players can come here to open more classic and practical battle stories, and let everyone come together to start the battle in the forest kingdom game!

Players who like this style of game might as well download Forest Kingdom and play it!

The Forest Kingdom is a strategic action card game with the theme of daily diffuse elements. Players can liberate the forest kingdom controlled by the Goblin race by looking for hero partners and summoning heroes to form your Goblin hunting team. For friendship, for peace, for the princess of the seven countries under control, fight!

[Game information of Forest Kingdom]

The Forest Kingdom is a cool mobile game with action puzzle solving theme. It has the richest levels and ups and downs of the story. Players can experience different stories along the way, experience the unique fun brought by adventure here, and truly open your own adventure story.

[Game Welfare of Forest Kingdom]

Day and night change, and unpredictable weather changes in four seasons;

Step by step, testing patience and operation of the sneaking challenges;

Plan the future war and make assassination strategies based on the overall situation.

[Advantages of Forest Kingdom Game]

1. A fun and adventurous mobile game, the game has a lot of fascinating story, leading players to deeply appreciate the charm of the game.

2. There are also diversified levels waiting for players to challenge. If you are interested, please download it!

3. In the game, players can choose their favorite characters. Different characters have different skills, and trigger regional tasks.

Screenshot of the game

Game Announcement

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