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The latest version of Goddess Legend

Mobile Games cosplay Size: 311M
  • 7.4 points
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Game Details

After entering the latest version of Fengshen Legend, you can't put down the fun game content.

The latest version of the mobile game Legend of Gods takes the classic fairy tale "Gods List" as the background of the game. The protagonist was a little shrimp who wandered the Jianghu, but unexpectedly waited for the artifact "The Book of Immortals". At the same time, he accidentally entered into a fight between Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao, so he was involved in a "force of good and evil" In the big event of the battle... what attracts the public's attention is the fresh and refined game screen. The effects of the game scenes, character settings, and combat skills are very fine. With the fresh style as the main theme, and Q cute and lovely characters, it gives people an extremely easy visual enjoyment! The latest version of Fengshen Legend is a very fun and interesting fighting mobile game. The game uses classic fairy stories as the background theme to create a new and free mythical world, with diversified characteristics, gorgeous and cool skills and moves, and stimulating and joyful fighting pleasure will definitely inspire your fighting spirit!

The latest version of Fengshen Legend has gone online!

The latest version of Goddess Legend is a horizontal card strategy turn game with Goddess as the theme. The game background takes the original theme of Goddess Romance as the starting point, reinterprets and reinterprets the original story, adds some practical elements, and brings players into the game through humorous plot performance. In the game, players can obtain powerful partners through tasks, copies, and activities Equipment and props to improve their combat effectiveness, and eventually go through the whole process of Fengshen Romance. Through the game, players' awareness of ancient Chinese myths has been improved

[Background of the latest version of Fengshen Legend]

The latest version of Fengshen Legend is a strategic RPG mobile game based on Fengshen theme. The latest version of Goddess Legend is a perfect combination of turn system and real-time QTE. It has new playing methods, truly new Goddess themes, and a combination of Japanese and Korean styles and Chinese styles. It is very distinctive.

[The latest version of Fengshen Legend]

[Self created fighting skills and unique fairyland]

Taoist friends can create their own unique skills to break the heaven. Experience the slaying devil and follow your heart.

[Five career strategies are numerous]

Different people have different talents and choose different ways to cultivate immortals, including the way of sword immortals and the way of demons. All things can coexist and return to the same way.

【 Random Encounter of Cave and Lost Treasure 】

Experience the Butcher Devil, discover the unknown secret, and reappear the real world. Lost and Found Treasure is a magic weapon for cultivating immortals, which can be used to create exclusive magic weapons.

Screenshot of the game

Game Announcement

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