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Swordsman Legend Official Website

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  • 8.9 points
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Game Details

After entering the official website of Batao Legend, you will love the fun game content.

The official version of the game adopts a seamless cross screen mode to restore the original legendary play mode for the vast number of legendary players. Classic war, French and Taoist professions are free to choose, rich game playing methods, free hang up PK, super cool battle, heroes gather, and open the experience of hot blood attacking sand. Don't miss it if you like. The online mobile game of Batao Legend has a classic legend world for ten years, making the adventure of players more exciting. Classic sand city game brings top PK game. Fight with friends and enjoy the PVP game. Featured tactics and tactics make the player's fight more exciting! Players can kill the boss in the game to get the best magic weapons. Top equipment can be freely combined to create the best suit to enhance combat effectiveness. Players can freely upgrade the level of strengthened equipment, and improve the hero attribute and combat power!

The official version of the online video game library is simple, fast and convenient!

The official website version of Batao Legend is a classic and legendary mobile game. The game starts with three professional battle methods, nostalgic and retro sand attack map, copies, activities, sand attack, pk, world bosses, and diversified training routes. It will take you to experience the original classic legend. Click the game to download it now.

[Background of the story on the official website of Badao Legend]

Through the collision between classic elements and the innovative cultivation system, the game of "The Legend of Swordsman Online" can open a war anytime, anywhere, hang up, lie down and collect experience, and have a very casual physical examination. In the game, you can cultivate three classic professions of the Way of War, independent equipment and cultivation.

[Highlights of the official version of Batao Legend]

1. The most difficult hang up system in those days can also be easily implemented here, and there is no need to worry about upgrading.

2. When you sleep at night, you can also automatically beat the monster to make you feel what is cool all the time.

3. All equipment is dropped by hitting monsters, and the mall will not sell any props that affect the balance.

[Official game evaluation of Batao Legend]

The official website version of Badao Legend is definitely a classic masterpiece. Come and download it.

Brothers get together again, and the blood classic reappears!

15 years of memory, classic glory, one call, brothers create legend!

Passion to win treasure, high explosive best clothes!

Exciting experience of looting, high popularity of top quality costumes, free trading, whatever you want!

Thousands of people on the same screen, bloody battle king sand city!

Free PK, red names are all strange, killing people and explosives, crazy harvest!

[Badao Legend Official Game Welfare]

★ Full vip1748888 yuan will be sent online, and out of print permanent wings - devil's wings;

★ Sign in every day and get 1888 yuan for free;

★ Free gold coins for life;

★ Free and unlimited fighting of wild BOSS, playing cross server freely and chopping freely;

★ Paralysis and special body protection ring free of charge;

★ Free and unlimited upgrade of Shenyi, full rank gorgeous Shenyi is not a dream;

★ Legendary costumes are free and unlimited, and cool equipment fashions are available to everyone;

[How to play the official version of Batao Legend]

1. Massive benefits are only for legendary players, and new chapters of old stories still shine.

2. It can be called a magnificent scene polished by ingenuity, continuing the unique vastness of the Mafa world.

3. With full of blood trigger, people can still remember the years of fighting together.

[Advantage of the official version of Batao Legend]

1. Perfect social play allows you to make more friends, and this legendary road will no longer feel lonely and lonely;

2. Comprehensively upgrade BOSS, increase the difficulty of challenge, but release more practical magic clothes.

3. When you go online, you will be sent full level cutting. Knife cutting ignores defense and takes you across the legendary battlefield;

4. Easy to use hang up system, quick brush copy, quick brush equipment.

Screenshot of the game

Game Announcement

List of Shadow Blade Legend Activities

Daily Recharge of the Activity - Instant Distribution Activity Time: 2000.8.3 00:00 - 2020.8.6 23:59 Collection Rules: Subject to the maximum amount of recharge in a single day, the high level can receive the low level (can be stacked), for example: the cumulative recharge of 10000 yuan in a single day can receive rewards for all levels, recharge activity reset, such as single day recharge; [Details]


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