In-Store Blog Design-Tips | 3dCart
 In Store Blog Design Tips with 3dcart Ecommerce University

In-Store Blog Design-Tips

By now, you’re probably well aware of the massive impact a blog can have on your online store – a feature 3dcart provides at no additional cost with your monthly plan. But before you start posting anything, you’re faced with the critical challenge that most ecommerce beginners have to deal with… DESIGN.

It’s important to remember that design plays a major role in your blog’s success, and careful attention to finer details will ensure that its purpose isn’t forfeited in the future.

To help you out, check out the following in-store blog design tips that’ll help you attract more readers and get the most out of your blog.

Choose the Right Colors

When it comes to your business blog, you can’t just pick any ol’ random color. Make sure to choose a color scheme that reflects your branding and goes along with the rest of your website. This way, readers will unconsciously associate your blog posts with your brand, whether or not you’re talking about your products or business.

Moreover, it’s essential to select colors that best appeal to your target audience. Try to limit tones to only two or three for a better and more effective visual influence.

Limit Text Fonts

Using more than three font designs will definitely give visitors a headache. It’s a surefire recipe for a messy appearance and confused readers.

It’s best to just use one font for all headlines and labels, even on widgets, and another for all the content. If you wish, you can have a different font for your logo. That’s it.

Maximize White Space

For some reason, many people tend to have the urge to fill up all white spaces on a blank page. This is an epic mistake that a lot of beginner bloggers commit. On the contrary, you need to maximize your white space so as to focus readers’ eyes on the content. Don’t place a ton of distracting images and irrelevant texts on various sides, on the top and bottom parts of your blog, and especially in the center.

In addition, you have to keep in mind that white space is essential for separating different elements on a page. Thus, instead of using a fancy line to distinguish the widgets column from the main area, you can simply opt for more white space in between.

Add Variety to Posts

Design also involves your actual content or blog posts. This means that you have to keep them interesting. And one way you can accomplish this is through variety.

Don’t just settle for well-written articles. As the famous saying goes, “Pictures speak louder than words.” Hence, it would be great to incorporate photos every now and then, or even feature infographics and eye-catching images by themselves with just a caption or a brief paragraph.

These days, it’s also true that if pictures speak louder, videos speak even louder. So get creative and start thinking of every post as a part of your blog’s overall design. As some experts would also say, treat each blog post as a new product you have to package nicely and promote well.

Use Photo Navigators

A popular trend in blogs and online stores today is to utilize photo navigators. Rather than mere tabs with labels to click on, you can use images.

Let’s say that within your blog, you would like to lead interested readers to your product catalog. Then by all means, come up with a visual tab for it that would capture their attention. Or if you would like for them to see your list of ongoing events and promos, it would help to have something more visual like a noticeable icon instead of the old-fashioned text button.

What’s more, since online stores are generally more visual, you can use pictures for recent posts too instead of just titles. You may want to configure your settings to show just the images, or the images with titles, or even images with excerpts.

With these helpful design tips for your in-store blog, you’ll find yourself right on track to managing a blog that’s bound to haul in more business for your online store.

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