What are the experience standards for searching video landing pages? Which one should I choose

2494 readings

Baidu search engine videos are mainly divided into video browsing experience and content quality. See the following for reference dimensions. The rights and interests of resource parties will be distributed according to high quality, general quality and low quality. The requirements for each classification are detailed as follows:


1. Landing page type and experience description

Types and requirements of short video pages


The video landing page experience standard does not distinguish between wise and NA, and both remain unified and standardized.


2. Landing page experience standard

Short video landing page - title&text information

The video title is authentic, and the title is related to the content.

Video summary Video source: required, non numbered source, displayed in text, including release time, playback times, video keynote, and image text summary.


2.1 video only

Short video landing page main frame


Short video landing page - playing area


Short video landing page - interaction area


Interactive layout

·Wise: Due to the bar restrictions at the bottom of the browser, interactive information is required to be displayed stably in the page, but interaction is not supported

Functions, giving users clear expectations

·NA: The bottom bar of the page is the interactive area

Style: keep the design style and state switching of interactive controls as uniform as possible

Interactive function

·Like: optional, determined according to business needs

·Comment: optional, determined according to business needs

·Feedback: optional, determined according to business needs

·Share: required, basic functions of the page

Short video landing page - source display


·Support the source display of Xiongzhang/Baijia equal signs

·The interaction in this area is consistent with the number interaction, including clicking the home page, following/checking

Short video landing page - video recommendation


·Recommendation area: in order to meet users' video browsing needs, more high-quality extensions are recommended based on users' interests.

·Style: cover ratio 16:9, recommended size 363 * 204, title font 51px, word spacing 0, line height 51px

·Content: video summary cover, title and source are required

·Presentation requirements:

At least 1/3 of the first recommended content is shown on the default first screen

At least 10 videos in the recommendation area

·Experience requirements:

The video content in the recommendation area can be viewed directly without playback restrictions. If you need to download/tune up the content to watch, it will be positioned as promotional content, and unified compliance with promotional specifications


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