What is the H label? How to optimize the H tag

4397 readings

What does the H label mean

H tag is also called Heading tag. There are six sizes of heading tags in HTML language. It is a tag that emphasizes the text title in HTML of web pages. Its essence is to present the content structure.

There are six pairs of Heading tags: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, and H7. The importance of the Heading tag decreases from large to small, and the weight decreases in turn.

H tags appear in pairs, starting with H and ending with/H. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7 are title labels, and they decrease in importance. This layout principle can make the hierarchical relationship of the page clearer, and enable the search engine to better capture and analyze the theme content of the page.

The H tag is equivalent to the body title. It is another page element for keyword optimization, and its importance is second only to the page title.

H1 is the largest title and H6 is the smallest title. The inclusion of keywords in H1 and H2 tags helps to improve relevance.


The common usage structure of H mark is as follows

<h1>Most important text (title)</h1>

<p>Text and content</p>

<h2>Second important text (title)</h2>

<p>Text and content</p>

<h3>Third important text (title)</h3>

<p>Text and content</p>

It should be noted that the H tag is in bold in visual expression, but its grammatical meaning is completely different from that in bold. Remember not to abuse it on the page.

Generally speaking, an article has only one title, so h1 only appears once.

The heavy use of h1 and h2, on the contrary, will make the keywords not prominent.

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