What is closed station protection? What are the precautions for station closing protection

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What is closed station protection?

Baidu search engine will consider the site closed if the site cannot be accessed normally for a long time due to revision, domain name change and other reasons. The webmaster can log on to Baidu webmaster platform to apply for site closure protection. After the application is passed, the search engine will suspend the site capture, keep the index, etc. After the website returns to normal, the site closure protection can be cancelled.


Use of Baidu closed station protection tool

1. Log in to "Baidu webmaster platform".

2. The management background finds the URL that needs to be closed for protection.

3. Click the station closing protection, and then wait for the review.


What are the precautions for station closing protection?

1. To prevent the website from being affected and lost due to site closure, it is recommended to apply for site closure protection in Baidu webmaster platform as soon as possible after site closure. If the time is too long, the search engine will judge that the page is Dead link So as to affect the probability of subsequent collection and presentation of the website.

2. Set the HTTP status code of the whole station to four hundred and four It is not recommended to use DNS method to shut down the server. Noip and power-off server will not apply for verification through shutdown.

3. The review time for station closing protection application is within 24 hours; Cancellation of station closing protection review will take effect within 48 hours.

4. The effective time of the closed station protection period is 180 days. If it exceeds 180 days, the closed station protection will be automatically cancelled.

5. The site closing tool reserves the index amount of the website, but cannot guarantee the ranking of the search results.

6. In order to meet the needs of users, the home page of the search engine will be exempted from blocking during the shutdown protection period.

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