Analysis of problems related to MIP transformation

2308 readings

Analysis of problems related to MIP transformation

1. What is Baidu's current proposal for MIP of the site?

Answer: There are two solutions for MIP of the site. The first is to modify the original page, and the second is to create a new set of pages based on the original page. Baidu supports both schemes.

2. Will site MIP affect other search engine crawling?

Answer: It will not affect the crawling of other search engines, nor will it affect the page weight. The MIP page can be set by  robots.txt The file tells other search engines to crawl, which can also ensure the original weight of the page.

3. Can HTTPS be MIP oriented? If it is not HTTPS, what impact will it have?

Answer: No, originally, the MIP transformation did not need HTTPS support. If it is connected to Baidu, HTTPS is required.

4. Does the site need to use MIP after using CDN?  

A: A large part of MIP is the benefit of technical realization, not the benefit of CDN. The MIP principle cannot be simply understood as Mobile Friendly framework+CDN. The core technology is to improve performance through page rendering technology.

5. Does MIP now support javascript plug-ins?

Answer: 1) To ensure the security and performance of the website, MIP does not allow users to customize javascript. It can only be introduced in the form of MIP components, allowing developers to customize functional components.

2) MIP components support multiple functions, such as customized banner ads, H5 ads, and third-party advertising systems.

6. If you want to create a new set of MIP pages, what will happen to the MIP page and the original page in the search results?

Answer: When creating a new set of MIP pages, you need to add Canonical label , add the Miphtml tag to the original page. Then the original page will be automatically replaced with the MIP page in the search results, and the MIP page will also be displayed to the user.

7. What elements can the MIP page implement? Are there restrictions on pop-up ads?

Answer: The MIP page can display all the elements of the original page and replace some tags of the front-end code. Provide components to support fix layout, which can be used to display fixed advertisements on the page.

Those who read this article can also read:

What is MIP? How to implement MIP?

What is HTTPS and how to deploy it?

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