Why is it so difficult for small enterprises to do SEO?

4283 readings

Many students asked me this question: "Small enterprises do SEO Why is it so difficult? " Today, I will answer this question for you. There are five points:


1. Unable to understand the latest changes in SEO

An SEO veteran is always the first to know the algorithm changes published by Baidu or other major updates that may affect rankings and strategies.

They are sensitive to new technologies, topics and algorithms, and can better judge what is worth trying and what is not.

The marketers of small and medium-sized enterprises are often busy keeping vertical with their industry, and can't get information about SEO anytime and anywhere, so they will slowly lag behind others.


2. You have too little money

SEO has a very important rule: you must spend money to optimize before you can make money.

Large companies have more budgets, can allocate more staff, introduce top consultants, invest in "big content" and good web design, etc.

However, many small companies do not have enough funds to hire professional optimization workers, resulting in poor optimization work, or they hire special optimization workers, but they are reluctant to invest too much.


3. Insufficient attention

If there is a lot of work at the same time, SEO related tasks always seem to be pushed to the bottom of the list.

For example, the company has a copybook and needs to write many articles, such as product articles, public account articles, SEO articles, etc. You will find that SEO related work will always be pushed to the last one, and it is difficult to optimize because of lack of attention.


4. Large enterprises have been born for a long time, so they often have a longer time to optimize.

However, many small enterprises have not had such a long time, and it is difficult for them to rank, because their young websites have not yet received good external links and PR value , which is why it is difficult for new websites to rank on competitive keywords.

and Search Engines They prefer the old domain names. The weight will be given to the old domain names. Big brands have been doing search engine optimization for a longer time, so they have more resources. They know what is feasible and what is not. They can replicate their success by repeating past successes, rather than starting from scratch.


5. No time

Time is money. If you don't have money, you don't have time.

A small marketing team means that everyone is busy with multiple tasks, and no one can spend 100% of their time on SEO. Some enterprises are very small, and only one or two of them are doing everything, making search engine optimization doubly difficult.

Real optimization takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of time to create valuable content, optimize pages, do links, run tests, and so on. But small enterprises may fish for three days and sun the web for two days, or ignore it completely, leading to the site not being optimized.

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