What is the impact of changing the domain name of the website or changing the page content on the website? Precautions for website domain name change

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If you change the domain name of a website, it is equivalent to starting a website again. The previous inclusion and ranking are all zero, and the risk is very great. Therefore, webmasters who have thought about changing the domain name need to be cautious, so what impact does changing the domain name have on the website? Let's briefly tell you a few points.


What is the impact of changing the domain name of the website or changing the page content on the website?

Impact of website domain name change on website:

1. Impact on inclusion and ranking

Normally, it is not recommended to change the domain name at will without special reasons. The most obvious impact of domain name change is website ranking and inclusion.

If the brand website needs to change the domain name, it is recommended to do a good job 301 Steering Rules, submit revision rules and dead links through Baidu webmaster tool, which can reduce the significant decline of website rights.

2. Influence website weight

Previously visited users could not access the website from the old domain name when searching through the old domain name, which lost users' browsing volume.

The domain name change can be announced on the website in advance to inform users that the website needs to change the domain name.


Impact of website page content revision on website

Although the ranking will not be affected by the revision of the website page structure, the inclusion will be affected. If you change the URL of the page, it will affect the ranking and inclusion of the website.


Precautions for website domain name change

1. Inform the user that the website needs to change the domain name, and publish the notice of changing the domain name in advance, which can guide the user to visit the new website.

2. The old page 301 will be permanently redirected to the new page corresponding to the content, so that Baidu can find this change more easily, and quickly transfer the accumulated weight of the old page to the corresponding new page, which is equivalent to telling the search engine that we have changed the address.

3. Check the website crawl error information regularly to ensure that 301 redirects from old websites are normal.

4. Send an external chain for new domain names, increase the weight of new domain names, and improve their inclusion and ranking.

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