How to optimize large-scale website SEO (1)

4386 readings

Large website SEO Practitioners are generally experienced in the industry for many years, and generally have some work experience, but there is still a lot to pay attention to in terms of work.

It is mainly divided into three key parts: SEO website technology, communication ability of SEO personnel and SEO mentality.

Key 1: SEO website technology

1. Page quality optimization and promotion

If the page quality is too low, it will be impossible to obtain good rankings. If only one article appears on the page, it will be difficult to obtain rankings. At least, we should call out all relevant information to form a list page, inject some relevant knowledge, and control the similarity between pages, so that we can improve the page quality.


Every SEO practitioner knows that it is very important to know about HTML. As a big station SEO, it may not only focus on Keyword density Or the H1 tag. More importantly, we need to find out whether some important content on the page can be found in the HTML code. If we can't find it, we may use Ajax to load it asynchronously, which often leads to the search engine being unable to crawl, thus reducing the page rating.

3. Server

The traffic development of any website is a huge test for the server, so it is necessary to understand the operating principle of the server itself. When the website is abnormal, you should be able to know the accident as soon as possible, and find out the reason The server After returning to normal, you must use the webmaster tool to test the normality of website crawling.

4. Product user experience

along with Search Engines Today's SEO is not easy to do, and search engines are paying more and more attention to the user experience of the page. For pages with poor experience, the user exit rate is very high, and the ranking will gradually decline.

More and more SEO practitioners have evolved into a new generation of SEO product managers. They are looking for a balance between SEO and user experience, so SEO practitioners should also pay attention to the experience of websites.

5. Database

Focusing on the data structure of the website can help you define it more clearly URL Rules and TKD information of the website, and when you optimize the quality of the page, it is more convenient to call the content information you want, so SEO practitioners must understand the data structure of the website.

6. Internal links and External chain resources

Internal links and external links play the same role in order for spiders to crawl smoothly and improve the page quality. By using these methods, we can effectively improve Target keywords Ranking of.

7. Content presentation logic

It can be said that the quality of a page is closely related to your page content presentation logic.

Search engines judge the quality of a page. First, they evaluate whether the theme of the page is clear. Second, they evaluate the originality of the page, especially in the site. If every page in the site can have its own unique side, then the site's weight It must be very high, relatively Jump out rate It will be very low.

8. Keyword mining and classification

How to mine and classify keywords? This depends on SEO practitioners' logical thinking ability of classification. For the most common e-commerce B2C websites, most people will find some rules after analyzing all the keywords in the industry. For example, traffic keywords are mainly composed of "product keywords", "brand keywords", etc., so you should be good at mining and classifying keywords.

9. Page Type Analysis and Keyword Mapping

After keyword mining is completed, it is necessary to analyze the type of website page and find the appropriate page to allocate the appropriate keywords.

This article is not finished, please click: How to optimize large-scale website SEO (2)

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