Website optimization SEO novice operation process summary

9350 readings

SEO It is a systematic process. If you do not know the concept of SEO well, it is difficult to operate. We list the SEO website optimization operation process.


The following are Website optimization SEO novice operation process summary

1、 Website Diagnostics

1. Website history: domain name registration time, domain name expiration time, domain name registration authority, domain name registrar

2. Server data: IP, server location, server stability, websites with the same IP address, DNS server

3. Website revision data: revision time, revision times, revision range

2、 Overall evaluation of the website

1、 domain name : Short, easy to remember, meaningful, can contain keywords is the best.

2. Website name: distinctive, personalized, in line with the positioning idea, can contain keywords best.

3. Website logo: simple, distinct, direct, and can contain the website domain name is the best.

4. Website slogan: fully reflect website functions, including target keywords and website name.

5. Overall color tone: For content oriented sites, the color tone should not be too much. Pay attention to the integration of website colors.

3、 Analysis of website friendliness to search engines

1、 Is the website structure a tree structure?

2. Have website links been static?

3. Are the main tags on each page of the website: title tag, keyword tag and description tag standardized?

4. Is the content of each page rich and relevant to the theme?

5. Is the target keyword clear, and is the long tail keyword ready for optimization?

4、 Website business analysis

1. Website type: e-commerce Enterprise website , news release website, friends, forum

2. Main business of the website: selling products and services

3. Target customers of the website: their age, occupation, familiarity with the Internet, etc., and analyze their use of the website.

4. Website use process: simple and well guided.

5、 Keyword analysis

1. List of common keywords and search volume of target customers.

2. To be selected Target keywords Analysis of competitors, including market share, product price characteristics, website competitiveness, etc.

6、 Positioning target keywords

1. List of target keywords and search volume

2. With long tail keywords and search volume list

3. Long tail keyword distribution planning

7、 Ranking Plan and Maintenance Guide

1. Objectives to be achieved in 0-1 months and steps to be taken

2. Objectives to be achieved in 2-3 months and steps to be taken

3. Objectives to be achieved in 3-6 months and steps to be taken

4. Objectives to be achieved in 6 months and steps to be taken

8、 Implementation report of optimization scheme

Accurate time, operation content, and detailed plan and optimization scheme.


When learning SEO, you will encounter many problems. Think calmly to find out the answers. If you want to do a good job of a website, you need to build it in a planned way, and study more good plans for optimization.

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