How to optimize English websites, Google English optimization suggestions

3306 readings

There are many difficulties and problems in optimizing the English website compared with the Chinese website. Today I will summarize some points about Google English optimization.


How to optimize English websites, Google English optimization suggestions:

I Target keywords

1. Use Google keyword tool to query industry related keywords and search volume, and determine the target keywords to be done.

2. Determine 1-3 target keywords.

3. In the English version of, enter the target keywords to observe the top ten. Check the mass distribution of these websites. If the query results are many, it means that this keyword is difficult to do. It is difficult to compete with the mass distribution websites for the words that are operated in a formal way.

2、 Determine domain name and program

1. Google English domain names have keywords, which is very advantageous.

2. It is recommended to select the URL that can customize the website column page and content page. You can add keywords of the current page to the URL.

3、 Optimize focus

1. Write the target keywords in the title of the homepage of the website, separate each keyword with a half comma, and write the keyword tag Description Label Keyword tag: keywords are separated by half commas. Description tag: describe the keywords and repeat the target keywords twice.

2. Home keyword density.

3、 The site structure is a tree structure , such as Home Page - Column - Content Page.

4. Keep the website content updated every day, and add the latest articles or sections of the latest products on the home page.

5、 Add the latest article section or relevant article recommendation on each page.

6. Do a good job of one sentence navigation.

7. Each page should have four words.

8. Content originality helps to improve page inclusion, which is not only popular with spiders, but also more popular with users.


English station work SEO Compared with the popularity in foreign countries, it will be relatively difficult to compete with them for keywords. It will be much easier to do keywords with Chinese characteristics. It is not easy to obtain the English website's external chain resources, which is a relatively large bottleneck.

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