The five golden rules of SEO that must be seen by website practitioners

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What is the rule of search engine ranking SEO Apart from the Great God, many people can't answer.

Apart from the complicated and messy theories, today we publish our summary of the ranking rules of search engines—— The five golden rules of SEO that website practitioners must see!


Assuming that the search engine has collected 100 websites in total, how should we rank these 100 websites?

In this ranking process, search engines asked five questions about these 100 websites, which we call "five golden rules":

Golden Rule 1: Are you important?

Golden Rule 2: What are you?

Golden Rule 3: Are you original?

Golden Rule 4: Do you meet the needs?

Golden Rule 5: Are you popular?


In fact, people who do SEO know the "five golden rules", and then have to optimize themselves to make themselves stand out.


Golden Rule 1: Are you important?

Answer: I am important!

What is important here is URL The weight of is high. This URL can be home page or internal page.

How to increase the weight of a URL to make it important?

Two ways:

1. Through a large number of In station anchor text One sentence navigation ;

2. Offsite External chain resources

If it is a home page, you can also improve the weight of the home page by building a blog of the first level directory.


Golden Rule 2: What are you?

Answer: I am the one key word

To illustrate that your website is the most professional about that keyword, you need to do a good job of "four words".


Golden Rule 3: Are you original?

Answer: I am original!

The collected content often fails to get a good ranking. Therefore, the mining of original content sources is a challenge for SEO capabilities.


Golden Rule 4: Do you meet the needs?

Answer: I meet the needs!

Search engines are becoming more intelligent, no longer simply judging the value of web pages based on keywords and links.

It will view the content of the web page from many aspects, in order to provide search results that meet the maximum demand of search users.

Therefore, in order to get a good ranking, we should consider the user needs behind a certain keyword, and then try to meet these needs on the page.


Golden Rule 5: Are you popular?

Answer: I am welcome!

This refers to the PV value Be higher than your peers and let search engines think your website is more popular.


If the above ideas are too abstract for you. Please take SEOWHY as an example to understand:

The first golden rule: I am important.

SEOWHY has done a good job in anchor text, secondary navigation, and a large number of external links. At the same time, several Primary directory Blogs (9dian, blog, rencai), forums (bbs, edu), and SNS to increase the weight of the home page.

The second golden rule: I am SEO.

Home page "SEO" Keyword density SEO is used for high, title, keyword tag, and then a large number of anchor texts inside and outside the site.

Respond to the third golden rule: I am original.

without doubt.

Respond to the fourth golden rule: I meet the needs.

The title of was changed to 2015 SEO Introduction Tutorial to meet the user's needs for the tutorial (guide).

The fifth golden rule: I am welcome.

The PV of SEOWHY is up to 17.


SEO competition will go through two stages:

1. The competition between those who understand SEO and those who do not understand SEO. At this stage, you can rank as long as you understand SEO operations.

2. Understand SEO and also understand the competition of SEO. At this stage, you need to exert a lot of creativity and surpass each other in the above five golden rules.

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