Application scenario of website Nofollow tag

3119 readings

The nofollow tag is an attribute of HTML that tells search engines not to track specific web page links. Reduce the impact of garbage on the ranking of search engines. The website SEO optimizes the application of nofollow tag to a certain extent.


Application scenarios of website Nofollow tag:

1. Nofollow tags are usually used for forum posts and blog comments. There are a lot of links to other websites in these places, which leads to too many spam links on the website and affects spider crawling. Now many blog cms automatically add nofollow with related functions.

2. Adding nofollow to the advertisement link can tell the search engine that this is an advertisement, please do not pass on the link weight.

3. If the internal links of the website are added with nofollow, the pr of the entire website will not be transferred to this useless page. For example: legal declaration, copyright declaration and other similar pages.

4. It can also be used for other low value and unimportant page URLs, plus nofollow, to centralize website weights.


Nofollow tag:

<a href="link domain name" rel="nofollow" link name</a>


Benefits of nofollow tag for website SEO optimization

1. Centralized site weight.

2. Prevent the weight of the website from being directed to other websites.


The meaning of nofollow is anti garbage outer chain, or mass distribution outer chain. Indicates that search engine spiders do not crawl and crawl outbound links with the nofollow attribute on the web page. It can be said that outbound links with the nofollow tag do not carry any weight.

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