User experience optimization - trust experience

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The design of trust experience mainly includes the following aspects:

Search Engines: Search related content can be displayed in the front of the search engine.

Company Profile: Real and reliable information release, including company size, development status, company qualification, etc.

Investor relations: Listed companies need to provide investors with true and accurate annual reports, financial information, etc.

Service guarantee: Clearly list the company's service guarantee to enhance customer trust.

Page Title: Accurately describe the company name and relevant contents.

Source: Mark the source of the cited articles to avoid copyright disputes.

Article editor or author: Indicate the editor or author of the original article to improve the credibility of the article.

contact information: Provide accurate and effective address, telephone and other contact information for customers to find.

Service hotline: List the company's service hotline in a conspicuous place for customers to find.

Effective complaint channels: Provide customers with complaint or suggestion email or online feedback.

Security and privacy terms: For interactive websites, security and privacy clauses should be noted to reduce customers' concerns and avoid disputes.

Legal statement: The declaration of legal terms can prevent enterprises from falling into unnecessary disputes.

Website filing: The website registration can let visitors confirm the legitimacy of the website.

Related links: Links between group enterprises and related enterprises should be relevant.

Help Center: For services with complex processes, help centers must be available to introduce services.

There are also the following types of website user experience:

Sensory experience: it presents users with audio-visual experience, emphasizing comfort.

Interactive experience: the experience presented to users on operation, emphasizing ease of use/usability.

Emotional experience: psychological experience presented to users, emphasizing friendliness.

Browsing experience: the experience presented to users on browsing, emphasizing attraction.

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