User experience optimization - sensory experience

2441 readings

Many websites not only fail to deal with the most important part of user experience, but also have a vague concept of user experience, and do not know where to start. Especially for e-commerce websites, the direct consequence is that the conversion rate of the website cannot be improved, and the sales volume cannot reach the standard.

Sensory experience

The design of sensory experience mainly includes the following aspects.

Design style: The design style should conform to the customer's aesthetic habits and have a certain guidance. Before designing a website, the target customer group must be identified, and the aesthetic preferences of the target customers must be analyzed to determine the overall design style of the website.

Website LOGO: Ensure that the brand is clearly displayed without taking up too much space.

Page speed: Under normal circumstances, try to ensure that the page opens within 5 seconds. If it is a large Menlu website, it must consider the north-south interconnection and carry out necessary stress tests.

Page layout: The key points are prominent, the primary and secondary are clear, and the pictures and texts are illustrated. Combine with the marketing objectives of the enterprise, and put the most interesting and marketable information of the target customers in the most important position.

Page color and brightness: It shall be consistent with the overall image of the brand, and the main color+auxiliary color shall not exceed three colors. Ensure the browsing comfort of the visitors with appropriate color brightness and brightness.

Animation effect: Coordinated with the main painting surface, the opening speed is fast, and the animation effect rhythm is moderate.

Page navigation: The navigation bar is clear, prominent and hierarchical.

Page size: It is suitable for most browsers (mainly displays above 17 inches)  

Picture display: The scale is coordinated, without deformation, and the picture is clear. The pictures are arranged neither too closely nor too far apart. Easy to understand, accurate, and consistent with the overall style of the page

Advertising space: Avoid interfering with the line of sight. The advertising pictures should conform to the overall style and avoid dominating the audience.

Icon usage: Concise and clear.

background music: It should be consistent with the overall website theme, and the file should be small and should not interfere with reading. To set the switch button and volume control button.

There are also the following types of website user experience:

Interactive experience: the experience presented to users on operation, emphasizing ease of use/usability.

Emotional experience: psychological experience presented to users, emphasizing friendliness.

Browsing experience: the experience presented to users on browsing, emphasizing attraction.

Trust experience: the trust experience presented to users, emphasizing reliability.

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