Reference direction of SEO team building

1724 readings

The whole team construction is divided into the following stages:

(1)、 Discussion stage.

(2)、 Industry analysis, keyword mining stage.

(3)、 Recruit technicians. Communicate fully with the technical personnel and urge them to develop the website according to the SEO scheme.

(4)、 Recruitment editor. About 10 days of training, the main content of the training is how to build relevant content after taking a group of keywords. The main method is content combination and other modes. Through 10 days of training, editors can master these skills.

(5)、 The website goes online. Guide the editors to publish articles as required according to the content construction plan formulated in advance.

(6)、 Recruit external chain construction personnel. There are few professional external chain builders, and most of them need training. The main content of training is how to find effective external chain release channels, how to combine external chains into soft articles, and how to purchase high-quality external chains.

(7)、 Recruit data analysts. Communicate deeply with data analysts to let them know the operation scheme of the project and be familiar with the industry requirements.

(8)、 Recruit keyword mining specialists. The main work of the keyword mining specialist is to constantly dig and sort out new keywords in the process of website display, arrange technicians to deploy to the website, and the editors cooperate with the construction of relevant content.

Of course, this process is not fixed and can be adjusted appropriately according to specific projects. There is no need to recruit some personnel, for example, keyword mining specialists and data analysts can be fully responsible by SEO engineers.

However, these works cannot be omitted. Every link and every work is linked together. The lack of any one will slow down or weaken the development speed and effect of the website.

This article is written by Fuwei SEO Special Training Camp Edit and organize.

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