Website SEO analysis group buying website

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The analyzed site will not be published temporarily. But you may get some insight by referring to the following analysis points.

1. The link structure is very messy, and many secondary and tertiary domain names are used. from SEO This is fatal.
However, because this site is special and needs to discuss the structure in depth, the suggestions here may be just a drop in the bucket.
The biggest suggestion is: from the perspective of SEO, the link structure should be simple. Can not use secondary domain name, try not to use secondary domain name. The link hierarchy should be controlled at 3 levels as far as possible.

2. The link is not static. URL static We have talked many times. The reason is simple, because static URLs are more popular with search engines.

3. There is no detailed selection and analysis of keywords. Please understand these two concepts: Target keywords Long Tail Keywords

User experience:

1. At least one link must be added to the logo. Many users are used to clicking the logo.
2. With such a messy structure, it is helpful to add a "current location" for navigation.
3. The sections of the page should be clear and the titles of each section should be conspicuous.
4. Blogs and forums can be placed in other places. Because they are totally different from those on their left, and they are auxiliary things. As long as you do it, they will play a big role.
5. Except blog and forum, the footer and header of other pages should be consistent. This will not make the user dizzy.

Suggestions for user experience:

The home page allows users to select the city directly, and the information of the city is displayed after entering. So you won't faint.
Alternatively, you can put the city selection in the header.

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