WordPress website SEO optimization ranking package

We use the same SEO strategy of front-line large factories and higher-order SEO solutions to achieve exponential growth in website traffic.

Last updated on June 7, 2024

SEO optimization ranking package

Price: 50000 yuan/year (excluding external chain costs)

Planning and research In station SEO Technical SEO Content publishing External chain release
Analyze the online situation of the industry Complete the title, keywords and description of the home page Robot.txt optimization Develop content update strategy Outsourcing third-party external chain service provider
Analyze major competitors Complete the title, keyword and description of a single page Sitemap.xml map optimization Determine the standard process for content publishing
Analyze your online situation Complete the title, keyword and description of the classification page Bind webmaster platform tools Establish the title database corresponding to the key vocabulary
Keyword research Complete the title, keyword and description of the detail page Website cache acceleration optimization 5 articles published weekly
Determine the main keyword H1 Label optimization Server cache acceleration optimization Tracking the status of published articles
Build key vocabulary Other H tag optimization Https optimization Optimize the content of unlisted pages
Develop SEO strategy Link URL optimization, pseudo static Canonical tag optimization Cooperate with AI to create new content
Picture ALT tag optimization 301 Redirect Optimization
Code concise optimization 404 Deadchain optimization
Optimization of main navigation structure Inner chain optimization
Breadcrumb navigation optimization Mobile terminal optimization
Outbound link nofollow optimization Website security reinforcement
Meta tag optimization

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Frequently asked questions about SEO optimization

1. What is White Hat SEO? What's the difference with black hat SEO?

"White hat SEO" is the SEO optimization strategy that we have always adhered to. It is a formal and fair SEO optimization method. Through the optimization of the website, we can make it conform to the preferences of search engines, so as to improve the ranking of the website. The effect is relatively slow, but it is compliant, sustainable and long-term effective.

In fact, "black hat SEO" is to cheat search engines through some cheating methods, so as to improve the website ranking in a short time. Once found by search engines, they will inevitably face punishment. The website is basically abandoned, and there are legal risks.

2. Do you want to do SEO after doing SEM? What is the difference?

SEM and SEO are two different digital marketing strategies with different goals and methods. The differences are summarized as follows:

1. Different goals: SEM aims to obtain clicks and exposure through paid advertisements, while SEO aims to obtain higher rankings and natural traffic in natural search results through optimizing websites.

2. Different payment methods: SEM is a paid advertisement, which needs to invest money on the advertising platform to purchase keyword advertisements, while SEO is a natural ranking, which does not require direct payment.

3. The click sources are different: the click amount of SEM comes from the advertisement, and the user clicks the advertisement link to enter the website; The number of clicks of SEO comes from natural search results, and users directly click to enter the website through the search engine.

4. The time effect is different: the SEM effect can be seen immediately. Once the advertisement is purchased, it will be displayed on the search results page; The effect of SEO will take some time to show, because the optimization process takes time to be indexed and evaluated by search engines.

5. Different cost-effectiveness: SEM is a paid advertisement, which requires investment to purchase advertisements, and the number of clicks is directly related to the investment cost; While SEO is a natural ranking, which does not require direct payment. The number of clicks is related to the quality and effect of the optimization work.

To sum up, SEM and SEO are two different digital marketing strategies. You can choose appropriate strategies according to specific needs and budgets. We suggest you use them together to achieve better results.

3. At present, the effect of SEO is not good, how to judge the problem?

When the SEO effect is not good, we will analyze the website ranking, website traffic, content quality, website structure, external links, and competitors. Based on the above analysis, you can identify the problem and take appropriate optimization measures. You can contact WordPress, and we will help you diagnose the website and give you the corresponding optimization direction.

4. How long does SEO optimization take to see the effect?

The time to optimize the effect varies due to various factors, including the current status of the website, industry competition, etc. Usually, optimization takes several months to show obvious effect.

5. Do you need to make technical adjustments or changes to the website?

According to the current status and optimization requirements of the website, it may be necessary to adjust the website structure, optimize the content or improve the technology. We will provide corresponding suggestions and plans according to the specific situation.

6. How can we ensure the optimization effect?

We ensure the optimization effect through scientific data analysis and continuous optimization and adjustment. We will regularly provide reports and data analysis to show the results of optimization, and adjust the optimization strategy according to feedback and data.

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