WordPress independent website - website building guide [2024]

WordPress is the first choice for independent station construction. It is easy to find small animals WordPress

Last updated on June 10, 2024

Introduction to WordPress

My name is Zeng Fengxiang, from Hunan, and I entered in 2012 Digital Marketing Industry, good at WordPress.

Founded in 2012 Small beast WordPress , founded in 2018 Chinese WordPress

After 12 years of experience, I have been doing the following three things:

SaaS independent station/open source independent station Standing /Disassembly of advantages and disadvantages

There are two ways of independent brand station: SaaS independent station and Open source independent station (Excluded by Shein and Anker, but not by the self research station).

SaaS single Standing Station building platform: Shopify Shopyy, shopkeeper, shopline, UEESHOP, etc.

Open Source single Standing Station building platform: WordPress , Joomla, Drupal, Magento, OpenCart, etc.

B2B single Standing Comparison of station construction

B2B Independent station aspect : WordPress is the king of all SaaS website building platforms.

B2B independent station, the most important assessment points are: customization degree, difficulty in operation, SEO friendliness

Independent station Product features are compared from top to bottom.

Contrast item SaaS Independent station (B2B) WordPress Independent station (B2B)
Customization degree (interface, function) low high
Difficulty in operation high low
SEO friendliness low high
Data controllability low high
Multilingual less many
cost Domain name+server+annual fee Domain name+server+payment theme
Diversion promotion Google, social media, short videos, others Google, social media, short videos, others
Team requirements Focus on content, advertising and maintenance Focus on content, advertising and maintenance

B2C single Standing contrast

B2C independent station The most prominent representatives of the SaaS website building platform are: Shopify station construction

B2C independent station The most prominent representatives of the open source website building platform are: WordPress website establishment

B2C independent station, the most important assessment points are: stability, collection channel, closed store review

Independent station Product features are compared from top to bottom.

Contrast item Shopify independent station (B2C) WordPress Independent station (B2C)
Stability (comprehensive strength) ★★★★★ ★★★★
Collection channel Shopify Pay、PayPal、 Credit card, localized payment, installment payment PayPal、 Credit card, localized payment, installment payment
Store closing review strict nothing
Transaction commission 2% nothing
other expenses Monthly rent+theme rent+plug-in rent+collection service charge (generally expensive) Monthly rent+theme rent+plug-in rent+collection service charge (generally low)
Template Type many many
Customization degree (interface, function) low high
Difficulty in operation low high
SEO friendliness low high
Data controllability low high
Team requirements Focus on advertising, products and maintenance Focus on advertising, products and maintenance
Diversion promotion Social media, Google, short video, others Social media, Google, short video, others

Strategy for building independent brand stations

Priority SaaS single Standing Situation of:

  1. The team has no technical personnel, only customer service, design and operation
  2. Want to build a website quickly and test the market situation of products at low cost
  3. B2C priority Shopify station construction

Priority WordPress single Standing Situation of

  1. Want to drain through SEO
  2. High degree of customization
  3. B2B gives priority to WordPress

WordPress single Standing Disassemble the advantages and disadvantages of B2C and B2B

What is WordPress

On the official website of WordPress, it says that beautiful design and powerful functions can help you freely give play to what you want. WordPress is both free and priceless. 43% of websites use WordPress.

WordPress can build almost any type of website But some complex websites may need certain Development experience and cost , which usually needs to be produced by a mature WordPress website building company.

WordPress For B2B independent station

B2B independent station choice WordPress website establishment.

A company with mature operation of Alibaba International Station has built an independent B2B station, Expand Google traffic , do not hesitate to choose WordPress website establishment.

WordPress independent station and Ali international station need Build at the same time , not an alternative relationship.

Product features WordPress independent station Ali International Station
domain name The server have Platform owned
Customization degree (interface, function) high low
Difficulty in operation low high
SEO friendliness high low
Data controllability high low
Team requirements high low
Multilingual Types many low
cost Domain name+server+annual fee Annual fee 29800 yuan
Diversion promotion Google, social media, short videos, others P4P, Gold products, top exhibition, etc

WordPress single Standing B2B function advantages

Adaptive design The independent station automatically adapts to the mobile end and PC end, catering to any device of the customer.
Independent multilingual version (can be included independently) Support more than 65 national languages such as English, Spanish and Russian
SEO system function Support TDK settings for each page, free yoast plug-in
Cache acceleration function Support server caching, front-end caching, CDN acceleration, WP Locket
SSL certificate function Ensure the security of independent stations, and Google's inclusion is more friendly
Form inquiry function Support user-defined online message form, applicable to all industries
Real time notice of inquiry Automatic email notification of receipt of form inquiry
Site map function Automatically generate recognizable maps of Google and Baidu for easy inclusion
Online customer service tools Support third-party customer service tools
Multi user management Support setting of background function management and operator assignment
Site history operation log The system automatically records the administrator's operation content
support video audio frequency picture Powerful Gutenberg editor with rich content types
CTA user behavior call button Place buttons to improve consultation rate anywhere in the station
Multi function top menu Support customized top menu to make classification more intuitive and professional
Blog Post Blog, article classification and article label are supported by default
Social media sharing Support the sharing of official websites to major social media
Baidu Statistics Google Statistics Add third-party traffic statistics tools such as Google and Baidu in the background
Slides support pictures and videos Intelligently add pictures or videos in the background to create a better experience
Shield IP function Support foreign trade websites to shield domestic IP and resist interference
Safety protection function Support login prompt, prevent file modification, WordFence plug-in
Data backup plug-in One click backup, one click move, All-in-One Wp Migration
Custom article type function Support product, case, download, solution and other article types for easy management
URL link customization Make links easier to understand, and articles have a better ranking in search engines

WordPress For B2C independent station

WordPress is an independent B2C station, which is generally the choice Woocommerce e-commerce plug-in , learn more Can WordPress be used as an e-commerce (B2C) website?

For products with infringement risk, choose WordPress to build a website.

High degree of customization Choose WordPress to build a website. (furniture, glasses)

A partner is a company with technical background, so he chose WordPress to build the website.

Amazon, a company with mature operation, operates on Google Brand closure , Select WordPress website establishment

In other cases, B2C brand operation options are recommended Shopify station construction

Role division of station building: Product manager+copywriter +Design+Technology development

product manager Design Copy technological development
Research industry market research competitors clarify product positioning planning independent station structure planning independent station function independent station prototype Prepare product material Prepare video material Prepare advertising material Web page design Prepare product data, company introduction, service support, etc. Sort out all data and release content Front end development bootstrap, HTML5+CSS3, JavaScript background development PHP, WordPress mainstream framework
Cooperate and communicate in a uniform pace and direction

How to select WordPress Independent station Service provider

1. The boss himself should know the key points of each link of building the station

2. See the team configuration of the website building service provider

3. Look Cooperation cases of website building service providers

4. Fully communicate in the early stage, fully communicate, fully communicate, and determine the needs

5. Sign the contract, see the details of the contract, refuse to find the website building service provider on Taobao and Diaoyin

6. Don't be greedy for small gains, and don't think expensive is good

WordPress secondary development Independent station Benefits of

1. According to their own industry and product characteristics, build an independent station that conforms to their own industry products

2. Cooperate with SEO and set SEO module to improve the optimization efficiency of independent stations

3、 B2B independent station gets rid of woocommerce e-commerce plug-in , convenient for product upload

4. Stand alone, get rid of Elementor visual editor plug-in, embrace Gutenberg editor

5. Get rid of annual fees of independent SaaS stations

6. Form your own digital assets and hold them for a long time

WordPress secondary development Independent station Common pit

1、 Domain name and server permissions are not in your hands , later modification is limited

2. Inadequate demand communication in the early stage, The service provider ran away

3. Plug in dependency is strong (woocommerce, Elementor), and background operations are too complex to start

4. WordPress backstage refusing to change

5. There are many website building companies in China that have changed WordPress and damaged its reputation

6. Reject service providers who are unwilling to cooperate with the operation for SEO planning

7、 Top Advanced Menu , complete and professional classification, perfect keyword layout

8. Set the embedded word content of the classification FAQ, and call the corresponding classification FAQ content of the corresponding product

9. Global CTA settings, global call

10. Customizing special fields on product details page

11. Reject WordPress service providers without basic marketing thinking

  • Basic user thinking
  • Basic marketing concept

Independent station case sharing: brand station multi language station multi domain famous station

Independent brand station


Type: B2C

Industry: furniture

Subject: woostify

Required plug-in: woocommerc, elementor

Independent station operation highlights

  1. Customized product details page with rich fields
  2. Payment localization
  3. High quality picture materials (specially shot and rendered)
  4. Google Advertising+SEO+Industry Station Advertising Space
  5. The team is fully staffed

Multilingual independent station (independent background version)


Type: B2B

Industry: electronic equipment

Theme: customization

Required plug-in: wpforms, megamenu

Independent station operation highlights

  1. Clear planning of independent station structure
  2. Rich content of independent stations
  3. Google Ads+SEO
  4. The team is fully staffed

Multilingual independent station (plug-in version)


Type: B2B

Industry: new energy

Theme: customization

Required plug-ins: wpforms, gtranslate

Independent station operation highlights

  1. Clear planning of independent station structure
  2. Rich content of independent stations
  3. Google Ads+SEO
  4. The team is fully staffed

Take me as an example: the growth path and career suggestions of station building technology practitioners

My growth path

I majored in computer science in college. After graduation, I learned the basic knowledge of website building by myself. In 2011, I came into contact with SEO. At that time, there was a wave of SEO craze, that is, webmasters would create a [city+SEO] blog to rank themselves. I used WordPress to build a blog with the keyword of Changsha SEO. Since then, I have learned SEO knowledge at the same time, While learning about WordPress.

In 2015, I met Jack, a WordPress developer from Shanghai, in a WordPress WeChat group. He was working on a WordPress project at that time, and found in the group that I had a certain understanding of WordPress. He wanted me to work on a WordPress project with him, and promised to teach me how to develop WordPress.

On the National Day in 2017, I went to Shanghai to find Jack and worked on the WordPress project with his company. During this period, Jack taught me more experience in WordPress development. Since then, I have been on the road of WordPress development.

In March 2018, I set up Nanm Network and founded Chinese WordPress I have summarized the experience of WordPress projects over the years and the problems encountered by Chinese people in using WordPress, and formed a unique technical route of Chinese WordPress.

Career advice

As my growth path, I think【 Station building technology practitioner 】Say the following suggestions

  1. See more, practice more, search more, step on more. All skills are honed.
  2. After the initial maturity of technology, we should strengthen communication with the outside world, not be complacent, keep an open mind and learn from teachers.
  3. Building a website is only the first step of digital marketing. As a technician, you should also keep learning about other aspects of digital marketing.


This is my Independent brand station , especially WordPress independent station Share all of. If you are interested in learning the WordPress website building tutorial by yourself, you can click on the 10000 words dry goods I wrote【 WordPress zero foundation website building tutorial

I hope friends can make good decisions about independent stations in brand operation, refine operation, and maintain traffic growth.

Thank you for listening! thank you!

Those who have problems with independent stations can scan the code and add me as a friend

Why choose WordPress

Even the time input regardless of cost will never fail any customer.
Make the world a little better while making customers and themselves.

our story

WordPress, a small beast, started to contact the Internet in 2011. During this period, a blog called WordPress, a small beast, was built with WordPress to learn how to build WordPress websites.

Our mission

We hope to use WordPress, an excellent website building program, to help everyone build their own website and do Internet marketing well with high efficiency and low cost.

Our culture

We focus on doing our customers' things well and correctly, which means that we will consider the results when making decisions, and most importantly, we strive to be true.

Our future

We will become the best WordPress studio in China in the near future. Xiaoshou WordPress hopes to become friends with every customer and witness this beautiful future together.

 Why choose WordPress

More than 100000 WordPress users like us

From beginners to industry leaders, everyone likes WordPress.

  •  Zhixinhang General Manager Liu

    Earnest, responsible and enthusiastic

    The theme is great both in appearance and function. The most touching thing is the patient after-sales service. It is really dedicated. Although the price of a WordPress theme is only a few hundred yuan, the after-sales service provided is not worse than tens of thousands of website building services. The conscience of the industry will come again if necessary.

    Zhixinhang General Manager Liu

  •  Tianhan Precision - President Tang

    Professional, detailed and reliable

    The theme of WordPress is really good, the key is affordable, and WordPress is powerful. The support form submitted for minor problems has been resolved, and no major problems have occurred. The problem was solved quickly. Support the small beast wordpress theme development team.

    Tianhan Precision - President Tang

  •  Liling Museum Liu Curator

    Friendly, happy, equal

    I am a female student, a novice in building a Wordpress personal blog that has not been used for a long time. At present, the theme of WordPress, a small beast, has been used for 6 months, which is very good. For me, a beginner, it is enough. WordPress, a small beast, is still trustworthy.

    Liling Museum Liu Curator

How to make online business go to the next level

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No WordPress website yet

No matter what industry you are engaged in, WordPress will provide you with a professional theme template. There are thousands of free themes in the WordPress market, suitable for many small and medium-sized enterprises.

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 Already has a WordPress website

Already has a WordPress website

Small beast WordPress sincerely invites you to learn WordPress together, and is willing to work with all parties to upgrade and improve your WordPress website, and exchange website acceleration, website optimization and other issues.

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