WordPress after-sales service

Support Policy Purchase our WordPress theme and you will receive our technical support. We answer and assist you in solving the problem of using our theme process [...]

Last updated on September 18, 2023

Support policies

Buy our WordPress Theme , you will get our technical support. We answer and assist you to solve all problems encountered in using our theme.

A free installation and debugging service is provided for the charging theme.

Read the document first

Many questions have been answered in topic documents, such as installation guides and FAQs. Therefore, before asking, please make sure that you have read our usage documentation to understand the specific topic you are using.

Support period

Once you purchase a theme, you will get a free theme update for life.

Included in theme support

Help resolve any possible errors

We try our best to keep our theme up to date, so if you encounter any errors, please let us know and we will try our best to solve them.

Answer specific questions about theme features and functions

If you have any questions or problems that cannot be found in the topic document, we are happy to provide you with all the explanations on this topic.

Listen to customer feedback

We like listening. If you come up with something and ideas that can improve our theme, please feel free to contact us and make suggestions.

Not included in theme support

Theme customization

Services used to modify or extend themes beyond the original functions, styles and functions are not supported. If this is a minor change, we will try our best to help, but please contact us for any major changes WordPress customized service information

Help Modify Topic Code

We only provide support for official original products. If any error/problem occurs after our original theme file is modified by yourself or any developer you employ, we cannot support it. Of course, we will always pay attention to and try our best to provide you with a good suggestion, but in this case, you should contact us about WordPress customized service information

Plug ins developed for others (third party)

Sometimes, plug-ins may cause some compatibility problems on the website, which is not necessarily a problem of the theme. If you find a conflict with some plug-ins, you should first try to access the plug-in author. Of course, it is good to let us know that there may be conflicts with other plug-ins, so that we can see and try to bypass it. But it is not our responsibility as the theme author to solve other people's errors.

Theme installation

It is not within the scope of support. You should contact us about WordPress service (Note: the theme installation and commissioning service is provided for free for the charging theme)

Server/environment issues

We do not solve problems related to your website hosting or server environment, or problems related to improper installation of WordPress. In case of such problems, we will provide Server configuration, PHP, MYSQL, FTP, WORDPRESS environment setup and theme initialization

Price changes

According to the needs of the market and users, we may adjust the price of products from time to time. Xiaoshou reserves the right to change the price of all products at any time.

Why choose WordPress

Even the time input regardless of cost will never fail any customer.
Make the world a little better while making customers and themselves.

our story

WordPress, a small beast, started to contact the Internet in 2011. During this period, a blog called WordPress, a small beast, was built with WordPress to learn how to build WordPress websites.

Our mission

We hope to use WordPress, an excellent website building program, to help everyone build their own website and do Internet marketing well with high efficiency and low cost.

Our culture

We focus on doing our customers' things well and correctly, which means that we will consider the results when making decisions, and most importantly, we strive to be true.

Our future

We will become the best WordPress studio in China in the near future. Xiaoshou WordPress hopes to become friends with every customer and witness this beautiful future together.

 Why choose WordPress

More than 100000 WordPress users like us

From beginners to industry leaders, everyone likes WordPress.

  •  Zhixinhang General Manager Liu

    Earnest, responsible and enthusiastic

    The theme is great both in appearance and function. The most touching thing is the patient after-sales service. It is really dedicated. Although the price of a WordPress theme is only a few hundred yuan, the after-sales service provided is not worse than tens of thousands of website building services. The conscience of the industry will come again if necessary.

    Zhixinhang General Manager Liu

  •  Tianhan Precision - President Tang

    Professional, detailed and reliable

    The theme of WordPress is really good, the key is affordable, and WordPress is powerful. The support form submitted for minor problems has been resolved, and no major problems have occurred. The problem was solved quickly. Support the small beast wordpress theme development team.

    Tianhan Precision - President Tang

  •  Liling Museum Liu Curator

    Friendly, happy, equal

    I am a female student, a novice in building a Wordpress personal blog that has not been used for a long time. At present, the theme of WordPress, a small beast, has been used for 6 months, which is very good. For me, a beginner, it is enough. WordPress, a small beast, is still trustworthy.

    Liling Museum Liu Curator

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No matter what industry you are engaged in, WordPress will provide you with a professional theme template. There are thousands of free themes in the WordPress market, suitable for many small and medium-sized enterprises.

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Small beast WordPress sincerely invites you to learn WordPress together, and is willing to work with all parties to upgrade and improve your WordPress website, and exchange website acceleration, website optimization and other issues.

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