WordPress website establishment

How to detect which WordPress plug-ins a website is using

Release time: 2024-05-24 10:23:18


Last updated on May 24, 2024

WordPress is an excellent CMS (content management system), but that doesn't mean it can do everything. This is the wonderful world of plug-ins. WordPress uses plug-ins to extend its functionality and add new features. WordPress users can take advantage of tens of thousands of plug-ins to increase the potential of your website.  

Whether you want a blog, e-commerce store, picture library or something else, there is almost certainly a WordPress plug-in that can help you achieve it. However, every website you encounter will not have the same set of plug-ins as your website. How do you know which WordPress plug-ins a website is using?  

The easiest way: use the WordPress plug-in detector

The WordPress plug-in detector can scan any website and tell you which plug-ins it runs. We found that the most accurate Scan WP Find the website you want to scan, and then enter the URL into the box at the top of the page.  

Click the "Detect" button, and you will see a list of all plug-ins of the website.  

This is also a good way to find out the WordPress theme and theme version being used by the website. For more information, please see our WordPress Theme Detector 's article.  

However, Scan WP is not a foolproof method, but it is very effective. Keep in mind that it does not always detect inactive plug-ins or only provide back-end, non customer facing functionality.  

For advanced users: View HTML

Unfortunately, sometimes you can't use the WordPress plug-in detector to find out which WordPress plug-ins your website is using. The lack of plug-in results may mean that the developer has customized the plug-in or that some CSS in the code is confusing the detector. If you try, you will not get any results.  

When encountering this problem, you must view the source code of the website. The fastest way is to right-click and select View Source Code. You will see all the code on the page, including the plug-ins that the website is running. Alternatively, you can use the Chrome DevTools And other tools to perform this operation.  

For example, in the following example from TechCrunch, you can see that they are using the popular Yoast SEO plug-in , and advanced versions.  

 Yoast SEO plug-in code of WordPress website

The advantage of this method is that it will show you all the operations that the plug-in is performing, not just the existing plug-ins on the website. By examining their location in the code, you can better understand which parts of the page they run in.  

The disadvantage of checking code is that it is time-consuming and requires some HTML background and common plug-in names.

Frequent users: use Google Chrome extension

Chrome is a very popular browser at present. It has several extensions to let you know which plug-ins are running on the website. Scan WP has a Chrome extension available, but we found that ThemesInfo WordPress Theme Detector and Plug in Detector More reliable.

After installing the Chrome extension, you must navigate to the website where you want to learn more, and then click the "W" WordPress icon in the address bar list.  

This will pop up a window listing all plug-ins running on the website, along with instructions and some pricing details.  

This is a great way to continuously detect plug-ins. It will save a lot of time for user experience designers who often need to study website functions. It is free and does not seem to cause any additional delay in page loading in Chrome browsers. However, if you do not plan to regularly study plug-ins, it is better to use one of the previous methods for security reasons.  

Learn more about plug-ins

Now that you have found a new plug-in that seems to meet your needs, you need to do more research before installing it.

WordPress Security It needs to be put first, and plug-ins may be the first choice of potential hackers. Therefore, as a quick "next step guide", you need to perform the following operations:

  • Make sure you have the latest WordPress installation.  
  • Be sure to read the plug-in documentation and carefully test the plug-in after installation to avoid any problems.
  • Make sure your host has enough storage space to accommodate plug-ins, especially when plug-ins are large or complex.  
  • Read the vendor instructions for the plug-in to ensure that you have installed all dependencies.  
  • If you encounter problems, please follow the instructions of the plug-in developer for testing and debugging.

The possibilities of plug-ins are endless

Once you find the perfect WordPress plug-in, research, install and confirm that it runs stably, you are done! Now is the time to move on to the next website project. For more information about finding the right plug-in for your website, please see us Complete WordPress Plug in Guide Here we introduce some of the most popular plug-in options, guide you through the installation process, and link to resources about protecting your website.

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