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5 Best WordPress Cache Plugins to Accelerate Your Website (2024)

Release time: 2024-05-21 9:59:20


Last updated on July 10, 2024

Are you looking for the best WordPress cache plug-in for your website?

Caching essentially stores a copy of the WordPress website on your server. When a user opens your site again, the server can simply extract a copy, so that visitors do not have to reload your site from scratch again.

Because there are many WordPress cache plug-ins, choosing the right tool may make people feel overwhelmed.

To help you choose the best plug-ins, we tested some of the best options on the market. When testing, we focused on a series of factors, such as ease of use, cache options, and price.

In this guide, we will show you the best WordPress Cache Plug in To speed up your website.

Ranking insert Best Fit Price
#1 WP Rocket Overall performance $59/year
#2 WP Super Cache beginner Free Admission
#3 W3 Total Cache Multiple cache options Free+Paid
#4 Sucuri Firewall+cache USD 9.99/month
#5 Cache Enabler Simple cache Free Admission

Why use the WordPress cache plug-in?

Using WordPress cache plug-in can improve the speed of the website One of the easiest ways. After installation, the cache plug-in will store some contents of the website (such as static HTML files, CSS files, JavaScript files, etc.) on your server.

Every time someone visits your website, they will see the cached version of the website without waiting for your server to load the page from scratch.

By storing the site's cache pages, the cache plug-in greatly reduces the amount of processing required to provide services for these pages. Some cache content at the server level, while others utilize browser caching. This results in:

  • Faster websites and better WordPress SEO Search engines provide significant SEO advantages for fast web pages, which helps you rank higher in search results.
  • More powerful capabilities can handle large amounts of traffic without degrading site performance or impacting uptime. This is important if you operate an e-commerce website.

In addition, caching can create a better user experience. Users visiting your website will experience faster page load time, thus reducing the possibility of their jumping out of your website.

How do we test and review the WordPress cache plug-in

  • We use them on our website : Over the years, we have used different WordPress cache plug-ins on our website to improve our website performance.
  • We tested the most popular plug-ins : We tested some of the most popular cache plug-ins in the market to see if they are worth hyping. We analyzed these plug-ins based on the following factors: ease of use, functionality, cache type, and pricing.
  • We have classified them according to your needs : Not every website will benefit from the same cache plug-in. Therefore, we analyzed all the functions to help you decide which tool is suitable for your needs.

1. WP Rocket

After trying different plug-ins in this list, we found that WP Rocket It is the best WordPress cache plug-in in general. This is the simplest and most suitable option for beginners. If you are new to this topic, it will be a great help.

With WP Rocket, WordPress users can immediately cache their websites with a single click. Once the plug-in is activated, its crawler will automatically get the WordPress page to establish a cache.

Then the plug-in will automatically open the recommended WordPress cache settings. These include page caching, cache preloading, Gzip compression, browser caching, and mobile device caching.

WP Rocket also provides optional functions for configuration to further improve the performance of your website. These include delayed loading of images, CDN (content delivery network) support, reduction, etc.

Advantages of WP rocket:

  • User friendly plug-in interface for beginners.
  • From page caching, browser caching to mobile device caching, the basic caching functions are out of the box.
  • Other optimization features can speed up website load time, such as the option to shrink CSS files and enable CDN integration.
  • Advanced features, such as Database optimization , multi site support, and URL or cookie based cache exclusion.
  • Support caching of dynamic content, including WooCommerce shopping cart items.

Disadvantages of WP rocket:

  • Unfortunately, there is no free version, but WP Rocket does provide a 14 day money back guarantee.

price: A website, product updates and support start at $59 per year.

Why we choose WP Rocket: We strongly recommend it as the best WordPress cache plug-in in the market. Although there is no free version, its price is quite affordable compared with other payment options.

2. WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache It is a popular free cache plug-in created by Automatic, a company running WordPress.com.

The WordPress cache plug-in has two cache settings: expert and simple. The first option is much faster than the other because it does not execute any PHP scripts, but it does require you to edit the. htaccess file.

The second is a compromise between fast website loading speed and ease of use. If you are not confident in editing your. htaccess file, we recommend that you choose this method.

In addition, WP Super Cache also includes other speed optimization functions, such as cache preload. This setting will generate cache files for pages, posts, categories, and tags that can be loaded as soon as someone accesses the content for the first time.

Advantages of WP super cache:

  • It's completely free.
  • You can use advanced cache settings, such as expert caching that can handle high traffic and custom caching options that control how plug-ins work.
  • Cache garbage collection can Delete old cache Page and keep the website updated.
  • Basic CDN support will rewrite your website content URLs to load them through the CDN.

Disadvantages of WP super cache:

  • Although the interface is very user-friendly, it uses technical terms designed for advanced users, which may confuse beginners.

price: Free plug-ins.

Why we choose WP Super Cache: If you are looking for a free cache plug-in to speed up the website loading time, WP Super Cache is a good choice.

3. W3 Total Cache

If you want to use WordPress cache plug-in with a lot of optimization functions, please check W3 Total Cache

First, W3 Total Cache provides various types of caches in addition to page caching and browser caching. It also has an object cache and a database cache, both of which can speed up the execution of the dynamic part (the part that changes frequently) of the site, not just the static part.

Second, it integrates Google PageSpeed Insights. In our testing process, we like this function, so you don't need to leave the WordPress management area Test website speed , so it is very humanistic.

In addition, you can also find other speed enhancements, such as CSS and JS file reduction, delayed loading, and image converters from other formats to WebP, for better performance.

Advantages of W3 total cache:

  • Various cache options are provided for free: page cache, browser cache, opcode cache, database query cache and object cache.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights integration can test website speed.
  • Delay loading and WebP conversion, etc Image optimization function.
  • Pro functions in the advanced version, such as CDN support for the entire website and clip caching of plug-ins and themes using WordPress Transient API.

Disadvantages of W3 total cache:

  • This feature set is comprehensive, but it seems a bit daunting for beginners.
  • Unlike other plug-ins in the list, the preload function is not out of the box.

price: Free plug-ins are available. The premium version is planned to start at $99 per year for a website license.

Why we choose W3 Total Cache: The free version of W3 Total Cache provides many cache options that you may not find in other plug-ins in the list, especially in the free version.

What is the best caching plug-in for WordPress?

After comparing the different options in the list, we find that the best WordPress cache plug-in is undoubtedly WP Rocket. It achieves a good balance between being suitable for beginners and powerful functions, and can improve the performance of your website.

If you are looking for free cache plug-ins, we recommend W3 Total Cache It has a large number of out of the box cache functions, from basic to advanced.

We also recommend that you check sitegronud And other hosting providers. These may be enough to speed up your website, and they have been customized according to your hosting needs.

Best WordPress Cache Plug in: FAQ

Now that we have introduced the list of the best WordPress cache plug-ins, let's answer some common questions.

Do I need a cache plug-in?

Yes, we strongly recommend that you install the WordPress cache plug-in, because it can significantly improve the speed of WordPress websites.

Caching can reduce the server load, improve the user experience by reducing the loading time, and possibly improve the SEO ranking of the website due to the increase in speed.

However, if your hosting provider provides a built-in caching solution (such as SiteGround), you may not need to install a separate caching plug-in.

Should I use multiple cache plug-ins in WordPress?

Using multiple cache plug-ins at the same time may cause conflicts and potential problems at the site. We usually recommend using only one cache plug-in to avoid these problems.

However, if you need to use multiple caching tools for a specific purpose, make sure they complement each other and do not cause the same operation to be performed twice.

Which is better, WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache?

WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache They are all highly rated WordPress cache plug-ins. However, the choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences.

WP Super Cache is a free plug-in with some basic and advanced cache functions. However, some settings require some technical knowledge, so if you are a complete beginner, we do not recommend you to do so.

W3 Total Cache is a free value-added plug-in with a comprehensive set of cache settings. The rich functions may frighten beginners, but the ease of use is generally much better than WP Super Cache.

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