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The best cache acceleration plug-in for WordPress website: WP Rocket

Release time: 2022-04-08 15:11:44


Last updated on June 14, 2024

WP Rocket can reduce page loading time and provide a better user experience. This will allow people to stay on your website longer, while also improving your search engine optimization and conversion rate.

In this WP Rocket review, we will learn about its functions, support options, etc., and see if it is a caching plug-in suitable for your WordPress website.

What is WP Rocket?

WP Rocket It is a popular WordPress cache plug-in, which is expected to improve the speed and performance of the website.

WP Rocket will grab the static copy of the page and save it in the cache. This allows you to display cached content to visitors instead of getting content from the database, dynamically generating pages, and then sending them back to visitors.

This can reduce the pressure on WordPress server resources , especially when many people visit your website.

WP Rocket also comes with other functions, which can improve your WordPress Blog Or website performance. This includes minification, delayed loading, and GZIP compression.

It is also customizable, so you can fine tune the caching and optimization process to fit your website perfectly.

WP Rocket Comment: Is it a WordPress caching plug-in for you?

When the website loads fast and provides a good user experience, visitors are more likely to stay. With this in mind, a good cache plug-in can allow visitors to stay on your website for a longer time and bring you more transformation.

It will also improve your WordPress SEO , because Google and other search engines will give priority to fast websites in their search engine rankings.

In other words, let's see if WP Rocket is suitable for your WordPress website Cache plug-in

1. Easy to set

WP Rocket is very easy to get started.

You can do just like any other WordPress plug-in Installation and activation It. After activation, WP Rocket will automatically enable caching and provide the best settings for your website.

Even better, it will actively start fetching your website and preloading the page in the cache. This means that WP Rocket will be automatically created Static HTML Files and make them easy for future visitors to use.

It also applies browser caching on the Apache/LiteSpeed server. When this operation is completed, the visitor's browser will store frequently used files in its local cache.

Although we always recommend taking the time to manually check and fine tune the default settings, with WP Rocket, you should immediately see positive results without any configuration.

2. Preload cache

WP Rocket automatically generates cache files, so when someone visits your website for the first time, your page will load quickly. Even better, this preloading is an ongoing process, so pages are preloaded each time the cache is cleared.

3. Clear cache manually

With WP Rocket, administrators can clear the WordPress cache at any time.

Just go to the plug-in settings, and you will see an option to clear the WP Rocket cache.

On this screen, you can also start a preload sequence to rebuild the cache on demand.

4. Create a separate mobile cache

For WP Rocket, mobile caching is enabled by default. However, each time a document is cached, it can also create a separate cache file for the mobile device.

This enables WP Rocket to provide a completely different cache for mobile and desktop users.

When you have other content for mobile users (such as This is especially useful when mobile device menus only).

If you do not create a separate cache, this content may be cached and displayed on the desktop device. With this in mind, WP Rocket's mobile cache can improve the experience of all visitors, no matter what device they use.

5. Login user cache

Sometimes, users may need to log on to your website to access certain features. For example, you might run a membership website or an online store with user registration.

In this case, WP Rocket has a "User Cache" option, which can create a set of dedicated cache files for each login user.

6. Customizable cache life

By default, WP Rocket will store cache files on your website for 10 hours. After that, WP Rocket will delete the cache file and immediately start to preload the cache with new content.

You can change the lifecycle to better fit your specific site. For example, if you run a busy online store, it may shorten the life cycle; If you do not update the website frequently, the life cycle may be prolonged.

7. Support downsizing

Shrinking can remove spaces in JavaScript and CSS files, thus reducing the download size. In most cases, this is a minor optimization and will not have a significant impact on the performance of your website. However, if your website traffic is high, shrinking may reduce your overall bandwidth and hosting costs.

With WP Rocket, you can easily shrink static files in plug-in settings, such as JavaScript and CSS style sheets

8. Optimize CSS delivery

WP Rocket can identify the key CSS required to format the part of the page that the visitor first sees. It then loads the content immediately and loads other CSS files using a technique called lazy loading.

In this way, WP Rocket can eliminate the rendering blocking CSS on your website and help your pages load faster.

You can also delete unused CSS. If you enable this setting, you can specify a safe list of CSS file names, IDs, and classes that WP Rocket will never delete.

9. Delay loading

Images can have a significant impact on page load time, especially when your website has a large number of large high-resolution graphics.

To help your website run smoothly, WP Rocket has built-in Delay loading function

Delayed loading does not load all images at once, but only downloads the images visible on the visitor's screen. This can improve your actual page load time and perceived page load time.

The delayed loading of WP Rocket can also save bandwidth, because you do not have to download every image. With WP Rocket, you can even enable delayed loading of videos and embeddings, such as YouTube videos and iFrames.

Do you also use WebP images? Then WP Rocket can create a separate cache file to serve your WebP image.

10. Reduce HTTP requests

The more HTTP requests the page sends, the longer it takes to load. By reducing HTTP requests, you can usually gain additional speed gains.

With WP Rocket, you can combine Google fonts, CSS files, and JavaScript files. This will reduce the number of separate HTTP requests you need to make and shorten the page load time.

11. Delay loading unnecessary JavaScript

With WP Rocket, you can delay loading unnecessary JavaScript files until visitors interact with them.

This can reduce the initial page load time, which will directly affect your maximum content drawing and first input delay. These are two important Google Core Web Vital indicators, so it can also indirectly improve your search engine ranking.

12. GZIP compression

GZIP compression is a technology that compresses HTML, CSS, and JS files before sending them to the browser. When the compressed data arrives, the browser will automatically decompress the compressed file and display it to visitors.

In this way, GZIP compression can reduce the file download time without changing the appearance or function of the site.

On the Apache/LiteSpeed server, WP Rocket will automatically add GZIP compression rules to your site's Htaccess file.

Most WordPress network hosting companies use Apache servers, so WP Rocket should provide all the advantages of GZIP compression out of the box.

13. Managing and deleting transients

WordPress uses transient temporal storage of plug-in and theme data. For example, many Social Media Plugin Use transients to record the number of times blog posts are shared.

If WordPress does not use transients, the server needs to connect to each social network every time it needs this information. This will significantly affect your page load time.

Although transients can be useful, clearing out expired transients can optimize your WordPress database and improve the performance of your website. It can also solve various problems you may encounter with themes and plug-ins.

With WP Rocket, you can delete transients with just a few clicks.

14. Advanced Cache Rules

WP Rocket allows you to precisely control the contents of the cache, including excluding specific pages, cookies, and user agents.

For example, if you run an online store, you often want to exclude checkout pages, shopping carts, and account pages.

You can also configure WP Rocket to automatically rebuild the cache when updating specific pages or posts. In this way, you can ensure that visitors always see the latest version of the most important pages of your website.

15. Database cleaning

Clean databases run more efficiently, so you can also use WP Rocket to Clean up your WordPress database This includes deleting post revisions, drafts, transients, spam, and spam comments.

Just select the unnecessary items to delete and click the Save Changes and Optimize button.

You can also schedule automatic cleaning to keep WordPress database Streamline, optimize and run smoothly.

16. Seamless collaboration with popular CDN

The Content Delivery Network (CDN) provides static files from a worldwide network of servers. This can speed up your website because it allows users' browsers to download files from the server closest to their location.

If you use the CDN service on the WordPress website, you can configure it to work with WP Rocket.

Another option is to use the Rocket CDN, which is the customized CDN of WP Rocket.

17. Import and Export Settings

Sometimes you may need to apply WP Rocket settings to new websites. For example, you might To move from a local server to a live website Or move WordPress to a new domain.

In this case, you can easily export the plug-in settings as JSON files, and then import them to any other website where WP Rocket is installed.

If you have multiple websites and want to use the same WP Rocket settings on all websites, this is also a good choice. It is also useful if you run a WordPress development organization and want to quickly apply the standard cache settings to new customers' websites.

WP Rocket Pricing and Planning

All WP Rocket plans include a full set of caching tools and functions. However, the number of websites you can use WP Rocket varies, depending on your license.

  • Single. For $59 per year, you can use WP Rocket on a single WordPress blog, website or product market.
  • Plus. The program costs $199 per year and allows you to use WP Rocket on up to three websites. If you have a few websites (such as affiliate marketing website network), this is a good choice.
  • infinite. You are WordPress Developer , marketers, or people who work with multiple customer websites? For $299 a year, you can use WP Rocket on an unlimited number of websites. This allows you to use the same plug-ins, tools, and features to improve the performance of all client projects.

Conclusion: Is WP Rocket a cache plug-in suitable for you?

After reviewing the features, support options, and pricing, We believe that WP Rocket is an excellent cache plug-in

It is easy to use and can instantly optimize your website without any additional configuration. However, if you explore the plug-in's settings, you will find a number of advanced options, including shrinking static files, eliminating rendering blocking CSS, and delaying loading.

You can also customize the WP Rocket to provide the best experience for your website. For example, you can shorten or extend the cache life cycle, depending on how often you update content.

When purchasing WP Rocket, you can choose between three licenses, depending on the number of websites you plan to use this popular cache plan. This includes unlimited licenses that allow you to use WP Rocket on any number of websites, which is perfect for WordPress development organizations.

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